Beet and Apple Salad Recipe

This time we have for you an exquisite recipe for a beet salad with apple, which is delicious, with an incredible consistency, fresh and also very healthy, since beets, also called beets, are well known for its high iron content that helps to combat mainly problems associated with anemia. It is for all this that we invite you to join us in this fun and nutritious preparation of a beet salad; we assure you that you will love it.

Ingredients to make Beet Apple Salad:

  • 4 pieces of fresh Beet
  • 1 cup of Peeled Peanuts
  • 3 pieces of apple
  • 2 pieces of Jicama
  • 3 pieces of Orange

How to make Beet Apple Salad:

In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will use to prepare our delicious beet salad with apple.

To start making the beet salad, we are going to place enough water in a saucepan, bring it to a boil over high heat and once the water is boiling, add the beets. It can be with or without shell, as it is easier for you. Let it cook for approximately 15 minutes.

Meanwhile we take the jicama, wash it and peel it perfectly, once clean we begin to chop it into small cubes of approximately 1×1 cm, and reserve.

Now we take the oranges, wash them and peel them very well, we begin to remove the segments; once all the segments are free, we are going to chop them finely, as we can see in the following image. Once they are ready, we reserve them for a moment.

We take the apple pieces in the same way, we wash them and peel them perfectly, then we begin to chop them finely into cubes of approximately 1×1 cm, once they are ready we reserve them with the rest of the ingredients of the beet salad.

Now once the beet is cooked, let it cool down for a moment or pass it through cold water, if we cook it without peeling, we peel it perfectly, and begin to chop it finely into cubes of approximately 1x1cm.

So we take the beet cubes and the apple cubes, we put them as the first layers of the containers in which we plan to serve our beet and apple salad. Later we add the jicama, the orange and the peanuts, and we incorporate all the ingredients.

Finally we add again a layer of apple and beet, and READY! We can serve our guests this delicious beet and apple salad as an appetizer to a main course or as a dessert.

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