Beer battered Hake recipe

Ingredients to make Beer Battered Hake:

  • 600 gr of filleted hake
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 can of beer
  • salted
  • Pepper
  • flower

How to make Beer Battered Hake:

  1. In a tray we put the beaten eggs and add the flour, stirring it.
  2. We continue stirring while we add the beer, salt and pepper, until we get dough similar to that of the fritters.
  3. Coat the hake fillets one by one in the resulting dough.
  4. We put a frying pan and heat the oil very hot
  5. Fry in the oil until they are golden brown, then we can remove the fillet. We will repeat the same operation with all the fillets.

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