Beef Noodle Soup Recipe

Ingredients to make Beef Noodle Soup:

  • 4 handfuls of noodles
  • 1 unit of spring onion
  • 1 piece of chorizo, 3 cm
  • 1 liter of meat broth
  • 1 unit of egg yolk
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 splash of oil

How to make Beef Noodle Soup:

1.Finely chop the onion and the chorizo, put it in a saucepan over low heat with a little oil and poach it for 1 minute, stirring often.

2.Add the liter of meat broth and turn the heat to maximum, when it starts to boil, lower the heat and let it cook for 5 minutes.

3.Add the handful of noodles and cook for 10 minutes, taste for salt and remove the pan from the heat.

4.When it stops boiling, add the beaten egg yolk, stirring the soup a lot when adding it, so that it does not curdle and mix well with the soup. You can present this beef noodle soup with some grated cheese on top of the dish.

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