Beef Flutes Recipe

Within Mexican food, tacos occupy a preponderant place, a variant is the flautas, which are made with elongated tortillas that once fried resemble the musical instrument. In this article, we present you the recipes for beef flutes, so you don’t stay without enjoying them, very appropriate for the national month.

Ingredients to make Beef Flautas:

  • 500 grams of beef skirt
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • 1 kilogram of Tortillas for flutes
  • 1 liter of oil
  • For the green sauce
  • 250 grams of green tomato
  • 4 units of Serrano chili
  • 1 clove garlic
  • To plate
  • 500 milliliters of cow cream
  • 300 grams of grated cheese
  • 1 piece of lettuce

How to make Beef Flautas:

1 We gather all the ingredients mentioned in the list. We wash our hands to prepare the beef flutes.

2 We place the beef in the express pot, add garlic, onion, salt, and bay leaves. We place it on the stove over medium heat, cook the meat for 40 minutes.

3 While the meat is cooking. We proceed to roast the tomatoes with the chili. Once roasted, we proceed to grind them in the blender to have the green sauce to accompany the flutes.

4 After the time necessary for cooking the meat, remove the pot from the heat, let it cool before opening it. We take out the meat to shred it. We place a portion of meat in the tortilla for flute and roll it up.

5 To facilitate the rolling of the tortilla, with the fingers we join the meat. If the tortilla is very cold, we heat it a little in a Comal.

6 In a frying pan we put a lot of oil, we take it to the stove over high heat and brown the flutes.

7 Already golden, so that the excess oil drains off, we put paper napkins and arrange the beef flutes.

8 To serve these Mexican appetizers, we arrange the flautas on a platter, spread them with cow cream, sprinkle with grated cheese, add green sauce to taste and accompany them with lettuce of our choice. And for dessert, don’t miss our chocolate arm recipe, you’ll love it!

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