Beef Baguette Recipe

The baguette is a bread of French origin that is quite attractive to taste due to its crispy crust. On this occasion, we present you a recipe where we will use this delicious bread in combination with one of the most versatile, used, practical and accessible meats in the gastronomic world, beef, obtaining as a result a delicious dish ideal for a complete and nutritious breakfast. Join us to learn how to prepare this rich beef baguette.

Ingredients to make Beef Baguette:

  • 1 piece of baguette
  • 250 grams of beef
  • ½ cup cooked ground beans
  • 150 grams of string cheese
  • ½ piece of Onion
  • ½ piece of avocado
  • 5 lettuce leaves
  • 2 tablespoons of Mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons of oil

How to make Beef Baguette:

To start this Mexican sandwich recipe, we put the onion in the pan with hot oil and let it fry.

Trick: We know that the onion is ready when it changes its color to a transparent shade.

When the onion is ready, add the steak cut into strips and season with salt and pepper. We constantly move the beef until it is perfectly cooked and we can continue with the preparation of the filling for the baguette. When the steak is cooked, to finish the Mexican recipe, we add the string cheese in order to gratin it and give more flavor to the beef sandwich.

Tip: It is better to add the cheese just after turning off the pan, this so that the cheese melts with the heat that the steak still retains and does not burn.

On the other hand, we take the baguette lengthwise and divide it into four parts. Then, we open each of these parts in half to be able to fill them with the beef. If you want to prepare your own bread, do not miss the sourdough baguette recipe.

Trick: For diners who so wish, we remove the crumb, or if they prefer to leave it, we compress it just a little.

Once the baguette is divided, we spread the mayonnaise only on one of the halves to add a touch of dressing. Do you want to learn how to prepare homemade mayonnaise? Don’t miss our recipe!

In the other half of the baguette we add a little ground beans. This is a dressing that cannot be missing from our Mexican recipe, so do not eliminate it from the preparation!

In the middle where we add the mayonnaise we place some slices of avocado. It should be noted that avocado is a fruit rich in omega 3, vitamin E and fiber, so it will provide extra nutrients to our Mexican recipe. The next step is to add the beef previously stewed and gratin with the cheese in the half of our baguette that contains the beans. It’s almost time to finish the Mexican meat sandwich! To finish the beef baguette, we add the perfectly disinfected lettuce leaves.

Tip: For diners who prefer it, in this step you can add a little sliced ​​raw onion.

And ready! We already have our delicious meat and cheese baguette to enjoy for breakfast.

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