Beans with Pilot Recipe

The name of this delicious Chilean dish comes from the shelled corn that is added to the mixture when it is being prepared, which is called pilot. This dish is consumed mainly in summer in Chile, since most of the ingredients used abound in this season of the year. Vegetables such as corn and pomegranate beans are the most used in typical recipes of this beautiful country and rich in gastronomic variety.

Normally, pomegranate beans are used and the process includes shelling them at home, but for practical purposes you can buy beans already shelled, canned or white beans in a regular bag. Of course, keep in mind that the canned ones are already cooked, so you must add them at the end of everything and cook them for a maximum of 10 minutes so that they absorb the flavor of the broth with vegetables that we have made with all the ingredients. Having said that, keep reading and discover how to make beans al pilot.

Ingredients to make Beans with pilot:

  1. 4 cups of granulated or shelled beans
  2. 1 onion
  3. 2 tomatoes
  4. 2 cups of pumpkin (pumpkin, au Yama)
  5. 2 cups of vegetable broth
  6. 1 bunch of basil
  7. 2 corn (corn, cob)
  8. 1 cup of green beans (beans, string beans)
  9. 1 teaspoon cumin
  10. 2 teaspoons of salt
  11. 1 teaspoon of pepper
  12. 1 teaspoon of paprika (red pepper)

How to make Beans with pilot:

  •  Legumes are usually soaked overnight before cooking, so you’ll need to leave the shelled beans in water overnight. When preparing the beans with pilot recipe, wash all the vegetables very well and cut them into small to medium pieces. Next, heat a tablespoon of oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. When hot, fry the onion and tomato, add the paprika and cumin. Cook for about 3 minutes while stirring so it cooks evenly.
  • Trick: Remember to shell the beans if you have them pomegranate.
  •  When the onion is transparent, add the two cups of broth, you can use powdered broth dissolved in two cups of hot water or homemade vegetable broth. Pour the hot broth into the peccadillo and stir well to mix the flavors.
  •  Add the pumpkin and green beans to the broth and stir. Cover the pot and let everything cook for 10 minutes or until the pumpkin is soft.
  • Trick: If you see that you are running out of broth, you can add boiling water or more vegetable broth so that the pilot beans do not dry out.
  •  Add the shelled beans to the cooking and sprinkle the salt and pepper while stirring well so that all the ingredients are well mixed. Cook for about 15 minutes or until the beans are almost done.
  •  Add the corn and basil to the pot and stir well so that everything is integrated. Cover the pot again and let the beans cook for 20 more minutes. You can throw the basil whole and remove it before serving or cut it small and serve it along with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Finally, try that everything is soft, adjust the seasoning and serve hot. This Chilean beans with pilot recipe is delicious and will give you extra energy.

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