Beans with Micron Recipe

Ingredients to make broad beans with micron:

  1. 3 Kg of tender broad beans with pod
  2. 1 glass of oil
  3. 50 grams of marbled ham
  4. 50 grams micron (Mercian sausage)
  5. 2 dry blood sausages
  6. 1/2 large onion
  7. 1/2 tablespoon oregano
  8. 1 glass of water
  9. Salt
  10. Pepper

How to make broad beans with micron:

  • Make sure the beans are small and very fresh.
  • Shelled in the same way as peas.
  • Fry the onion cut into small pieces without letting it brown.
  • Therefore, constantly stir with a wooden spoon.
  • In a separate pan, fry the broad beans and when they begin to break the skin add the water, the salt, turn several times and cover so that they cook.
  • Add to the onion, the micron, the black pudding and the chopped ham.
  • Saute and add it to the beans, mix and add the oregano.

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