Beans with Clam’s Recipe

Beans with clams are a spoon dish that, just by naming it, begins to appeal. It is a very complete recipe and full of flavor, as well as a great way to try clams if you have never eaten them. You will love the contrast of flavors!

You can enjoy this preparation as a single dish, as it contains all the nutrients and energy necessary for any main meal. In times of stews and cold climates, you cannot miss this recipe. Join us and discover how to make beans with clams!

Ingredients to make Beans with Clams:

  1. 400 grams of dried beans
  2. 1 piece of leek
  3. 1 head of garlic
  4. 1 bay leaf
  5. 250 grams of clams
  6. 2 tablespoons of fried tomato
  7. 1 dessert spoon of paprika
  8. 100 milliliters of white wine
  9. 1 splash of oil
  10. 1 pinch of salt
  11. 1 tablespoon chopped parsley

How to make Beans with Clams:

  • Have the beans soak the night before. The next day, drain the beans and put them in a pot covered with water, add a piece of leek, 4-5 cloves of garlic and the bay leaf.
  • Put them to cook and, when they start to boil strongly, stop the cooking with a glass of water. Then, let them cook over low heat for between 1 hour and a half or 2 hours depending on the bean. If you have a pressure cooker, in 20 minutes you will have them cooked.
  • When they are ready, turn off. You can remove the vegetables or shred them and add them to the beans.
  • Prepare the clams. Put a little oil in a pan, chop 2 cloves of garlic and add them to the pan. Before they take on color, add the tablespoons of tomato and paprika, stir everything well. Add the white wine, add the clams and leave them until they open. Add a bit of parsley.
  • When the clams are ready, add them to the bean casserole, cook everything together for 5 minutes and that’s it, you’ll have a delicious dish of beans with clams!
  • Beans with clams – Suggestions
  • Beans or faces with clams are a recipe of Austrian origin that has spread throughout the entire Spanish territory. Although its preparation takes time, the combination of textures and flavors make this recipe a gastronomic jewel with a delicious homemade taste. Keep in mind these suggestions to serve the dish and enjoy it in its entire splendor:
  • You can serve it with a cold red wine, taking care that this is not a reserve wine.
  • Let them sit for at least 1 hour before serving so the flavors can meld.
  • Accompany the dish with slices of bread to soak them in the stew.
  • Stews always taste better the day after, so don’t hesitate to reserve what’s left over and enjoy it the next day. You can also freeze your clam beans if you want them to last longer.

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