Beans with Choco Recipe

We all like to enjoy good food, outstanding and elaborate dishes. However, the rush of everyday life can make us opt for the same recipes and leave aside those more traditional preparations. Well, so that you can taste a traditional dish without spending too much time in the kitchen, we teach you a simple step-by-step to make the recipe for broad beans with cuttlefish.

Broad beans with cuttlefish are a very popular dish in Huelva, where they are cooked with a very tasty sauce thanks to the spices and the cuttlefish. Stay with us and discover how to make beans with cuttlefish Huelva style.

Ingredients to make broad beans with Choco:

  1. 350 grams of clean or chopped cuttlefish
  2. 450 grams of shelled beans
  3. 1 purple onion
  4. 2 cloves of garlic
  5. 2 bay leaves
  6. 1 piece of red pepper
  7. 1 leek
  8. 1 pinch of paprika from the Vera
  9. 1 splash of extra virgin olive oil
  10. 1 small glass of white wine
  11. 1 pinch of black pepper
  12. 1 packet of mint

How to make broad beans with Choco:

  • Clean the cuttlefish and cut them into similar pieces. Shell the beans, peel and cut the onion into feathers. Then, peel the garlic and cut it into thin slices and the pepper into rings, just like the leek. Use only the white part of the leek.
  • Put three glasses of water with a couple of pinches of salt in a pressure cooker. If you don’t have a pressure cooker, you can use a conventional pot or saucepan. When it starts to boil, add the beans and leave them for 10 minutes in the pressure cooker or 20 minutes in the conventional pot. When they are done, drain them but reserve the cooking water.
  • Trick: If you want to make beans with cuttlefish and potatoes, use a large potato, peel it, cut it into not very large pieces and cook them with the beans.
  • In a skillet or clay pot, pour a splash of olive oil and fry the onion and pepper. Sauté both ingredients for 2 minutes, do not leave them longer.
  • Tip: You can also do the entire process of the beans with cuttlefish in an express pot, but you will have to wait for the beans to cook to make the sauce.
  • Add the leek and the minced garlic, stir and fry for 3 more minutes over high heat. To make the broad beans with cuttlefish, it is preferable to use wooden or silicone spoons to stir.
  • Add the Choco to the soffit, move and just let it seal for 3 minutes. In this way, when cooking it, it will not harden, although this also depends on the species of cuttlefish or cuttlefish.
  • Once these minutes have passed, lower the heat to a minimum and add the spices, that is, the bay leaf, the pepper, the mint and, finally, the paprika from the Vera so that it does not burn. Stir so that all the ingredients are integrated.
  • Pour the wine and let the alcohol evaporate and begin to cook the cuttlefish. To do this, keep the heat low and let it boil for a couple of minutes that will be enough. If your casserole is made of clay or has a thick base, everything will cook better because with this type of casserole it is not necessary to activate the maximum heat because they maintain the temperature very well.
  • Incorporate the cooked beans with their juice, taste the salt in case you have to rectify it and let it all cook together for 10 minutes over medium heat, counting when it starts to boil.
  • This will be the result that you will obtain from the recipe for broad beans with cuttlefish from Huelva, a unique dish that enhances your table and your most gourmet guests will thank you, since a delicacy like this is not seen every day. As the sauce that remains is so tasty, we advise you to serve a little bread.

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