Beans and Salchichini Recipe

Ingredients to make Beans and Salchichini:

  1. 2 ½ kilo of beans
  2. 1 small onion
  3. ½ clove of garlic
  4. 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
  5. 2 quail eggs
  6. Vinegar
  7. oil
  8. Pepper
  9. Salt
  10. Then add a piece of bull hide

How to make Broad Beans and Salchichini:

  • Shell the broad beans and cook them in salted water; let them cool in the cooking water and pop them with a lot of fervor.
  • Finely chop the onion and mix with the parsley and broad beans.
  • Add the minced garlic to the dressing.
  • At the time when the broad beans are no longer very tender and their cuticle has thickened, they should be skinned and mashed until they have a smooth puree consistency.
  • After waiting 1 hour, eat it with a little donkey sauce, finally caramelize it. I recommend eating it with a dash of French tulle.

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