Bean Tamales Recipe

Bean tamales are very popular in Mexico, and depending on the region where they are prepared, various ingredients and fillings are used. This recipe that we provide you is very economical and profitable, in addition, tamales are very versatile, since they have multiple ways of cooking them. On this occasion, we brings you a recipe for Sinaloa-style bean tamales, one of the recipes that are prepared in the central area of Mexico, it can be considered one of the simplest there is, but without detracting from the rich flavor they have.

Keep reading this easy recipe and learn how to make baby bean tamales. At the end we also share another way to enjoy these tamales. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make Bean Tamales:

• 1 kilogram of corn dough

• 150 grams of vegetable or lard

• 1 pinch of salt

• 250 grams of cooked beans

• 3 leaves of chopped epazote

• 1 piece of onion

• 30 corn husks for tamales

How to make Bean Tamales:

To make the recipe for bean tamales, you must first soak the leaves in hot water to make the tamale, approximately 20 or 30 minutes so that they soften and are easier to handle.

In a container place the corn dough, the lard that can be vegetable or pork, the finely chopped epazote leaves and the pinch of salt, mix very well. Place the cooked beans with a piece of onion in the blender and blend until you get a bean paste. Next, reserve. On a clean surface, spread the corn dough until it is about 3 millimeters thick, we point out that you can do it with your hands or with a rolling pin. Immediately add the bean paste and distribute throughout the dough as a layer. Roll the dough with the pasta and then cut into portions about 8 cm long. Bolea conserving the shape of the roll.

Place the rolled dough in a corn husk, wrap, twist the ends and press into the filling. It should be as if the tips were hidden, then take it to a steamer pot and cook for about an hour. We point out that the bean tamales in milpa leaves are also delicious.

After the cooking time, check that the corn husk comes off easily from the tamale, if so, they will be ready. We point out that there are different versions to make tamales, we highlight that Honduran bean tamales and Veracruz bean tamales are also very popular. Enjoy this recipe and tell us in the comments what you think of this preparation. In addition, you can also accompany them with mole poblano and fresh cheese. And if you like spicy, you can prepare a delicious green mole.

Sweet bean tamales

If you are more of sweet flavors, here is a brief explanation for you to turn these Mexican bean tamales into a sweet preparation. The process of the dough is the same, only you will have to omit the epazote. Well, when you have your dough ready, reserve and prepare the filling: blend the beans with a teaspoon of cinnamon and about 3 cloves, mix with 500 g of grated piloncillo to form a light paste. To assemble the tamales, spread out a sheet, add a portion of dough and spread it out as well, then add a portion of the bean paste with piloncillo, wrap and close well. As for the cooking method, this is the same.

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