Bean Salad with Avocado Recipe

Salads are ideal for summer because they refresh the body, feeding and hydrating it. The combinations of carbohydrates and vegetables are very successful, since they represent a light but very nutritious meal. For this reason, pasta salads and bean salads are listed among the options of this type.

The recipe that we share below brings with it all the energy and American flavor: bean and avocado salad.  We bring you another irresistible combination, because we want you to travel with your senses through the culinary customs of the peoples of the world. In addition, the nutritional load of this dish will keep you going for many hours. The beans, the avocado and the rest of the vegetables, all together are transformed into healthy energy. Keep reading and discover with us the recipe for this bean salad with avocado, you will love it!

Ingredients to make Avocado Bean Salad:

  • 1 cup of Beans without broth
  • 6 Tomatoes
  • ½ Cucumber
  • 4 lettuce leaves
  • 6 sprigs of coriander
  • ½ avocado
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt to taste
  • 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese

How to make Avocado Bean Salad:

The night before preparing the fresh summer salad, select the good grains and remove any branches or bad grains. Wash the legumes several times and leave them resting in water, at room temperature. The next day, season the beans and cook over medium-high heat.  You can season with salt and pepper. Reserve a cup, without liquid.

Have all the ingredients and utensils you need for this vegetable salad recipe on the work table. Wash vegetables very well, especially lettuce. Separate each leaf from the lettuce, and place them in a bowl with water and a few drops of vinegar.

Cut all the vegetables except the lettuce into small cubes and reserve. The lettuce can be julienned, reserving a whole lettuce leaf. Nothing like a refreshing salad with avocado and beans!

Take a salad bowl and add all the ingredients except the cheese. Stir carefully to avoid breaking the beans. This delicious vegetable salad is ready!

Serve with a lettuce leaf on which the bean and avocado salad will rest. Sprinkle grated cheese on top for an extra touch of flavor. You can enjoy this dish as a main dish or as a side dish with meat, chicken or fish, such as chicken breast with lemon or grilled sea bream.

Origin and benefits of beans

Beans are highly valued in the Latin American diet, although the Spanish also share a taste for this grain. In American gastronomy there are as many bean recipes as there are customs in our towns. The variety of ingredients and ways of preparing them is very extensive and tasty. Due to the versatility of legumes in gastronomy and their high nutritional content, they are essential in the kitchen.

For this reason, bean salads are perfect, even as a main course. Delicious and refreshing, they are perfect for warm times or places. There are thousands of combinations, some more creative than others, but each one brings exquisite insights to diners. You can try any grain of your choice, as well as add fruits and vegetables at your discretion. Some even add some sausage.

Beans or Pharsalus vulgaris were born in America, approximately by the year 7000 BC it is said that the first crops arose in Peru, Guatemala and southern Mexico. Legumes are part of the ancestral past of America and even of humanity.

White beans or beans reduce the risks of heart attack, Alzheimer’s disease, control blood pressure, help stabilize blood sugar in diabetic patients, eliminate excessive cholesterol from the body, promote weight loss and improve digestion, among others. Therefore, including them in our diet is highly beneficial, and what better way to do it than with a bean and avocado salad like this one?

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