Bean Recipe with Pork or Pork

Ingredients to make beans with pork or pork:

  1. 1 kilo of pork, minced meat
  2. 1 cup chopped onion
  3. 2 minced garlic cloves
  4. 1 pinch of cumin
  5. 2 liters of cooked black beans
  6. 1 whole Serrano Chile
  7. 100 grams of tomato puree
  8. 50 grams of coriander finely chopped
  9. 1 whole sprig of coriander

How to make Bean with pork or pork:

  • Season the minced pork (cut into pieces) with salt and pepper and brown it in a clay pot.
  • When it has taken on a golden color, add the onion and garlic.
  • Let everything boil together for a few minutes without burning the garlic.
  • Pour the black beans into the pork pulp, along with the Serrano Chile (whole) and the cilantro sprig, let them come to a small boil.
  • Then remove as much of the beans as possible (it doesn’t matter if there are some whole beans left).
  • Put in the blender with the pinch of cumin and the tomato puree.
  • Be careful not to put the whole Serrano pepper in the blender (it would be spicy).
  • Blend everything, add it back to the casserole, and let it boil for half an hour over medium heat, so that the pork is cooked.
  • Once ready, thicken the beans a bit, correct the seasoning, and add salt to taste.
  • It is served in deep plates, with chopped onion, and finely chopped cilantro.

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