Bean Gorditas Recipe

If you don’t know what to cook today or you need an easy and cheap recipe, you’ve come to the right place. We teach you how to prepare some bean gorditas, a very popular Mexican appetizer that many love. It is a disc of fried corn dough stuffed with beans, accompanied by cheese, lettuce and sauce, the perfect dish to serve as an appetizer or as a main course. And, in addition to the basic bean filling, we provide you with other ingredients that you can incorporate to make them even more delicious.

Ingredients to make Bean Gorditas:

• 500 grams of corn dough

• 1 pinch of salt

• 1 teaspoon baking powder

• ½ cup chicken broth or warm water

• 2 cups of cooked beans

• 1 piece of chopped onion

• 1 minced garlic clove

• 1 pinch of cumin

• 1 cup of cooked nopales

• 50 grams of Chihuahua cheese

• 1 cup of oil

• Grated white cheese to taste

• Shredded lettuce to taste

• Sour cream to taste

• Hot sauce to taste

How to make Bean Gorditas:

To make this recipe for bean gorditas with cheese, first prepare the dough. To do this, place the dough, a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of baking powder in a container. We point out that you can get the dough in tortilla shops or you can make it yourself with nixtamalized corn flour according to the instructions on the package. And, if you get the dough already ready, you will probably find it a bit hard, if so add chicken broth until it is softer. Keep in mind that it should not be watery. When it is ready and integrated with the other ingredients, cover and let stand for 20 minutes. While the dough rests, in a pot with a little hot oil, fry the onion and minced garlic until both are lightly browned.

Add the cooked beans, season with salt to taste and add a pinch of cumin. Next, use a masher to make a paste of the beans, and, when you reach the desired texture, cook for at least 8 minutes, moving constantly to avoid burning. Finally, add the grated Chihuahua cheese, mix well and set aside.

Tip: to make it easier to mash the beans you can add a little chicken broth or a little water, but without letting the liquid abound.

Take a portion of the dough, ball it up and begin to form a kind of bowl. Then, fill with the beans and close and then press to form the disc. Repeat the process until you finish with your dough. To cook the gorditas, heat a Comal and cook them for about 2 minutes per side until they look cooked on the edges. In a pot with enough oil, fry the gorditas to finish cooking them until they brown well. To finish, slice the gordita, stuffed with cooked nopales, grated lettuce, white cheese, cream and sauce to taste. The bean gorditas are ready

Chubby stuffed

Preparing some bean gorditas is very simple and, in addition, the result is spectacular. This recipe that we provide you with bean filling is just one of many varieties in terms of filling, since you can also fill them with pressed pork rinds, cottage cheese, alverjón, chicken tinga, among other stews.

As for the best tip you need to know to cook the gorditas, it is to first prepare the gorditas in a Comal before frying, so that later you can prepare them and store them in the refrigerator and then only fry when you prefer. Stored in a suitable container they can last up to 1 week, but if you only prepare them for a single occasion, you can skip the step of cooking them on the Comal and fry them directly in hot oil. For this last cooking, you just have to leave a little more time so that it cooks on the inside as well.

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