BBQ Tacos Recipe

Whether in a kilo or a taco, barbecue is one of the most famous dishes for lunch in Mexico on the weekends. Depending on the region, one meat or another is chosen to prepare it. So how about some delicious beef barbecue tacos? They are ideal for family lunch! The tasty flavor of soft beef, seasoned with different spices and served on a corn tortilla is quite an experience.

It might seem like a simple flavor recipe, but believe me, cooking the meat has its joke, so keep reading and discover how to make barbecue

Ingredients to make BBQ Tacos:

• 1½ kilograms of beef for barbecue

• 1 pinch of salt to taste

• 1½ liters of water

• 5 garlic cloves, peeled

• 5 bay leaves

• 10 whole black peppers

• 1 pinch of dried oregano

• 1 pinch of dried thyme

• 1 pinch of marjoram

• 1 piece of white onion

• 2 tablespoons dry broken chili (optional)

At your service:

• Onion

• Fresh coriander

• Corn tortillas

• Hot sauce

• Lemon

How to make BBQ Tacos:

Start the barbecue tacos recipe by cutting up the beef. You can use chambered, skirt or any other cut that is easy to unravel. In a pot with 1 liter and a half of water , add the garlic cloves, the bay leaves, the whole black peppers, a pinch of dried oregano, a pinch of thyme, a pinch of marjoram, a piece of onion, salt to the taste and, optionally, dry broken chili. Let it start to boil.

When it is boiling, add the beef, lower the heat and let it all cook together. The cooking time will depend on the type of pot, if you use a pressure cooker it will be enough with about 30 minutes, while if you decide to use a conventional pot it will take about 2-3 hours, since you need the meat to be soft and easily shredded. While the meat is cooking, finely chop a medium onion and a coriander sprig. Reserve both ingredients to continue with the barbecue tacos recipe.

When the meat is ready, remove it from the pot and shred it with the help of a fork or let it cool slightly and shred it with your hands. Now all that remains is to assemble the barbecue tacos, so heat the corn tortilla, add the barbecue and, finally, add chopped onion and cilantro to taste. Do not forget to add a few drops of lemon and the spicy touch with a good sauce. Make this recipe at home, tell us what you thought and if you have any extra ingredients to add, let’s cook!

Guadalajara style barbecue tacos

Prepare this recipe wherever you live, since the ingredients are easy to find in any supermarket. Of course, it takes time, but rest assured that in the end you will have a dish of 10.

If you want to elevate the flavor of these barbecue tacos, try making them fried and accompanied with cream and cheese, I’m not lying when I tell you that they taste much better that way. Likewise, you can try the version of the Guadalajara-style barbecue tacos, which is characterized by cooking the meat enchilada. To do this, with the same broth used to cook the meat, you can soak pasilla peppers and mirasol peppers for 10-15 minutes. After this time, you can grind them with 1-2 cloves of garlic, cloves, cumin, whole pepper, marjoram, sesame, 1 teaspoon of white vinegar and, if you want, a small piece of ginger. Add this mixture to the pot to finish cooking the meat.

You can accompany these barbecue tacos with other Mexican tacos, like these:

• Huitlacoche tacos

• Governor tacos

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