Battered Deviled Eggs Recipe

This time we are going to prepare a recipe for stuffed eggs in batter, an original appetizer that you will love and that will be very popular with children. They are very easy to make, as they only consist of boiled eggs filled with béchamel and tuna. The only secret will be to prepare the eggs well and coat them correctly.

The result you will get will be crispy eggs with a lot of flavor inside, a great alternative to traditional deviled eggs. You will see that the steps are simple, so keep reading and discover how to make battered deviled eggs.

Ingredients to make Battered Deviled Eggs:

  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of all-purpose flour (level tablespoons)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 3 glasses of frying or sunflower oil
  • 1 egg to coat
  • 1 glass of breadcrumbs
  • 2 glasses of semi-skimmed milk
  • 2 cans of tuna in natural water
  • 1 pinch of freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 pinch of nutmeg
  • 1 pinch of onion powder

How to make Battered Deviled Eggs:

  1. To start with the eggs stuffed with battered tuna, heat a splash of oil and add the flour to form the béchamel sauce.
  2. Stir continuously so it doesn’t burn, we just want it to lose its raw taste. Once you have it for a couple of minutes on low heat, remove from the heat and reserve.
  3. On the other hand, cook the eggs long enough so that their yolk is completely curdled, 12 minutes will suffice.
  4. Cool them with cold water to cut the cooking chain and peel them.
  5. Once they are completely cold, cut them vertically in half and remove their yolks, taking care that the white does not break or open.
  6. Tip: Add vinegar to the cooking water to make it easier to peel them.
  7. Warm the milk a little and pour it into the pan where you have the flour. Stir so no lumps form. Bring it back to the fire and continue forming the creamy béchamel. Add a point of salt.
  8. Continue stirring over low heat and add nutmeg and minced onion. Go mixing carefully; little by little the béchamel will acquire a thicker texture. That’s the idea, but it avoids making a hard paste. If it gets too hard, add warm milk to loosen it up.
  9. Add the slightly crushed egg yolks. Continue stirring with a wooden spoon if you have one or a kitchen tongue.
  10. It’s time to add the tuna, so remove all the juice it may contain and mash it up a bit. Add it to the béchamel; continue mixing these ingredients over low heat.
  11. Leave two more minutes and remove from heat.
  12.  Let the sauce rest in a plastic-covered bowl until completely cool before preparing the béchamel-battered deviled eggs.
  13. Once the béchamel sauce is cold, pour a generous amount of frying oil into a pan and let it heat up.
  14. Crack the egg onto a plate and beat it with a pinch of salt. Put the breadcrumbs on another plate.
  15. Then, you will only have to fill the eggs.
  16. Take a small portion of béchamel and fill the egg white. Pass it through the egg and through the breadcrumbs.
  17. Carefully place the eggs upside down to seal the filling. Let them fry over high heat for 3 minutes on each side, but be careful not to overcook them.
  18.  Take them out and dry them with absorbent paper.
  19. Now you can serve some delicious stuffed eggs coated in sauce! You can accompany it with the sauces you prefer or with a delicious escalivada of roasted vegetables.


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