Basic Arepa Recipe

Ingredients to make basic Arepa:

• 1 tablespoon of oil

• Water

• 2 cups of white cornmeal

• 1 teaspoon salt

How to make basic Arepa:

To obtain golden arepas, few are the ingredients that are used, it is the kneading and cooking that requires a little attention. Pour a cup and a half of water in a container. Add the salt and a splash of oil, gradually add the flour, diluting it in the water, avoiding the formation of lumps, knead with your hands, gradually adding flour and water until you obtain a smooth dough that does not stick to your hands.

Form medium balls and flatten them creating a slightly thick and symmetrical round. Heat a griddle and grease it with a little oil, place the arepas and cook on both sides, (until they detach themselves from the griddle), then take to the oven previously heated to 350º and leave them until when you remove them you hit them lightly and they sound to “hollow” and become puffy and golden brown.

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