Banana Upside Down Cake Recipe

These types of cakes are very fashionable, they are also easy to make and require ingredients that we all usually have at home. On this occasion, I have opted to make a banana inverted cake recipe, since we also usually find this fruit all year round. This cake has a lot of fruit, since not only does it have banana on the outside, but you will also be able to appreciate it inside with each bite. This dessert is exquisite, I recommend it so you can enjoy it with your family.

The banana that it has on the outside is caramelized, so I advise you to grease the mold well where you are going to make it so that the upper layer does not stick to it when you unmold it. That said, we already have everything ready to start making, thanks to this article, a cake that, once you try it, you will make at home more than once. Keep reading and discover with me how to make a banana upside down cake.

Ingredients to make Banana Upside Down Cake:

  • 4 bananas
  • 3 eggs
  • 175 grams of panela or brown sugar
  • 100 milliliters of light olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of liquid cream or heavy cream
  • 1 dessert spoon of liquid vanilla essence
  • 175 grams of flour (1¼ cups)
  • 4 tablespoons of ground almonds
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • for the caramel
  • 150 grams of sugar (¾ cup)
  • 1 lemon

How to make Banana Upside Down Cake:

  1. First we are going to prepare the caramel. To do this, we put the sugar together with a few drops of lemon juice in a wide pan and leave the preparation over low heat until it becomes a golden caramel.
  2. Grease a round mold 20 cm in diameter, preferably silicone. You can grease it with a little oil or, better, with a non-stick spray.
  3. Pour the freshly made caramel into the mold and stir quickly so that it expands around the base of the mold.
  4. Peel one of the bananas with a sharp knife and cut it into thin slices lengthwise.
  5. Place the banana slices carefully in the bottom of the mold where we had put the caramel. Reserve to continue with the banana inverted cake recipe with oil.
  6. In a large bowl, we put the eggs together with the panela (or brown sugar) and beat
  7. Add the oil, the liquid cream and the teaspoon of liquid vanilla, and continue mixing.
  8. In another bowl, mix the flour with the ground almonds and the tablespoon of yeast.
  9. Sift the flour together with the almonds on top of the oil and egg mixture. We are mixing with a spatula all the ingredients, little by little.
  10. Preheat the oven to 180ºC. Separately, peel and chop the remaining bananas.
  11. Mix well the banana pieces together with the dough so that they are evenly distributed and the caramelized banana inverted cake has a lot of flavor
  12. Pour the dough into the mold that we had prepared and bake the banana cake at 180 ºC with heat up and down for approximately 30 minutes, or until when you poke the center of the cake with a toothpick, it comes out clean of dough remains.
  13. We let the cake cool in the mold completely so that it unmolds more easily and does not break. This inverted banana cake is delicious.


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