Banana Tacos Recipe

Banana tacos are one of the richest and most representative dishes of Chiapas, not only because of the speed of their preparation and the simplicity of their ingredients, but also because of their exquisite flavor. At this article, we show you step by step how to make plantain tacos in the purest Chiapas style. Do not stay without trying them.

Ingredients to make Banana Tacos:

  • 4 pieces of plantain
  • 12 pieces of corn tortilla
  • 100 grams of vegetable shortening
  • 1 pinch of grain salt
  • 1 pinch of black pepper

How to make Banana Tacos:

1 Before preparing this traditional Chiapas dish we must have all our utensils at hand and our ingredients weighed, washed and chopped. This will make it easier to make.

2 The first step in making plantain tacos is to peel the plantains and cut them into thin slices.

3 In a hot frying pan, with a tablespoon of butter already melted over medium heat, fry the banana slices with a pinch of salt and a pinch of pepper, stirring constantly until they are fried on both sides. At this point they are removed with an openwork shovel (so that the excess fat drains) and placed on a platter.

4 In the same pan, add another tablespoon of butter and when it is melted over medium heat, pass the corn tortillas, submerging them quickly just so that they soften and bathe (be careful not to brown them), drain and place in another platter.

5 A handful of plantain slices are placed on each corn tortilla and rolled up like a taco.

6 To finish, the plantain tacos are served and bathed in hot chimole sauce

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