Banana Nuomici Recipe

Nuomici is a very typical type of Chinese cake from Hong Kong. It consists of glutinous rice balls with grated coconut on the outside and a sweet filling. I have filled the Chinese sweet balls or nuomici with banana, but you can use another fruit, for example, mango or pineapple or another more traditional Chinese filling, such as sweet bean paste or sweet black sesame paste. You can find glutinous rice flour in any Asian supermarket or use regular rice flour, the texture will be a little different but the vegan sweet balls are just as tasty. This dessert that I share with this article is very satisfying and contains very little fat and sugar.

Ingredients to make Banana Nuomici:

  • 50 grams of glutinous rice flour
  • 15 grams of corn starch
  • 20 grams of icing sugar
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 90 grams of water
  • 1 banana
  • ¼ cup of grated coconut (25 grams)

How to make Banana Nuomici:

  1. In a bowl, mixthe rice flour, corn starch and icing sugar.
  2. Add the water and oil to the bowl, mix well so that the ingredients are integrated.
  3. Cover the bowl with a piece of cling film and poke a few holes in the cling filmwith a toothpick.
  4. Put the bowl in the microwave on high power for 2-3 minutes.
  5. For the microwave every 30 seconds, remove the dough from the rice and coconut balls and replace the film and cook until the dough is cooked. Let it cool.
  6. Cut the bananainto thick slices.
  7. Cover the palm of your left hand with a piece of cling film so that the dough for the homemade nuomici does not stick to your hands.
  8. Take a small portion of dough, place it on your left hand and flatten it into a circle.
  9. Place a slice of banana in the center, fold the edges and make a ball with your hands.
  10. Repeat until the dough is gone.
  11. Pass all the balls through the grated coconut. Let them cool a bit in the fridge and serve your banana nuomici.

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