Banana Molotes with Cheese Recipe

In Mexican gastronomy, molotes are a traditional recipe in many of the states of the country. Generally, they are made with a plantain base with some filling, either meat, cheese or beans, depending on the style of each region. If you don’t know them or you still don’t know how to make them, we present you one of the many styles that exist of this dish. In this way, we will prepare some plantain molotes with cheese, an easy, practical, accessible and quite delicious recipe, you will be surprised!

Ingredients to make Molotes de plantain with cheese:

  • 2 plantains
  • 100 grams of string cheese
  • ½ tablespoon of powdered chicken consommé
  • 1 cup of ground bread
  • ½ cup sour cream
  • 1 piece of lettuce
  • 3 tablespoons of oil

How to make Plantain Molotes with Cheese:

We present the ingredients to use for this Mexican recipe. We are going to start the plate of molotes con queso by slicing the plantains with the peel included. Then, we place them in a saucepan with boiling water and leave them for a while until they are soft to the touch. Once the bananas are soft, let them cool for a moment and remove the peel. We mash the plantains until we obtain a smooth and manageable dough, we add a pinch of powdered chicken consommé to improve the flavor of the plantain molotes.

Tip: You can omit the powdered chicken consommé, as it only adds a touch of flavor to the Mexican recipe.

We take a little of the dough obtained, form a small tortilla, slightly thick, and add the cheese in the central part of it. Thus, we fill the banana molotes. We close the tortilla and shape the plantain dough into a croquette, avoiding the formation of cracks so that the cheese does not come out during cooking. We take some ground bread and cover the plantain molotes stuffed with cheese.

Tip: If you prefer, you can use wheat flour instead of ground bread.

We take them to a frying pan with hot oil and fry the plantain molotes everywhere. Once they are ready, place them on absorbent paper to remove excess oil. And ready! Now you can enjoy these delicious plantain molotes with cheese, an easy, quick and flavorful Mexican recipe. You can serve them with a little sour cream and a lettuce salad, prepare some vegetarian tacos if you do not consume animal meat or, on the contrary, with beef wire. Bon Appetite!

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