Banana and chocolate pudding recipe

Banana pudding or banana bread is one of the most popular sweets. Its moisture and sweetness, both characteristics provided by the fruit, make this dessert unique and irreplaceable. Therefore, this time, we want to teach you how to prepare a banana and chocolate pudding. Likewise, we know that chocolate combines perfectly with many fruits, such as grapes, strawberries or blueberries, and bananas are no exception. Therefore, unlike classic banana puddings, this recipe is simple, requires few ingredients, and is healthier due to the use of oil and bitter cocoa. Also, if you wish, you can replace the flour with whole wheat to add more fiber and replace the sugar with sweetener to make this pudding suitable for diabetics.

Ingredients to make Banana and Chocolate Pudding:

  1. 1 egg
  2. 1 banana
  3. ⅓ cup of sugar (66 grams)
  4. ⅓ cup of oil
  5. ½ cup of milk (120 milliliters)
  6. 1 dessert spoon of vanilla essence
  7. 1 dessert spoon of baking powder
  8. ½ dessert spoon of baking soda
  9. 1 cup flour 0000
  10. ¼ cup bitter cocoa

How to make Chocolate Banana Pudding:

  • To prepare this delicious and moist banana and cocoa or chocolate pudding, first mash the banana with the help of a fork. If it is not ripe enough, you can take it in the oven with its skin until it is black.
  • On the other hand, mix the dry ingredients of this recipe except the sugar. That is, add the flour with the cocoa, the baking powder and the baking soda. If you wish, you can also use self-rising flour and, in this case, it will not be necessary to add the baking powder and baking soda.
  • Tip: if you don’t want to add as much chocolate or cocoa, you can mix with chocolate chips and make an exquisite banana and chocolate chip pudding.
  • Beat the room temperature egg with the sugar for about 5 minutes until foamy.
  • When the foamy mixture is ready, add the oil, the vanilla essence and the banana that you had previously stepped on, integrate.
  • Add half of the flour with the help of a sieve to avoid lumps along with half of the milk. Mix with enveloping movements and try not to overbeat.
  • Add the flour and the remaining milk. Next, check the consistency of your pudding; it should be a little thicker than pancakes.
  • Trick: you can correct with more milk or flour.
  • Pour the preparation of your pudding into the mold where you want to cook it, this must be previously greased and floured. Next, cook it in the preheated oven at 180 ºC for about 25 minutes or until, when pierced, no remains of the preparation come out
  • Tip:in this case, the mold is 24 x 9 x 6 cm.
  • When the chocolate and banana pudding is cold, you can unmold it and enjoy

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