Balcarce Cake Recipe

The Balcarce cake is a famous dessert that originated more than 50 years ago in the city of the same name in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is a cake that alternates layers of sponge cake, whipped cream, brown glaze, walnuts, dulce de leche and meringue, an ideal dessert for those with a sweet tooth.

Together with this article we teach you how to make the original Balcarce cake in a simple way and with easy-to-find ingredients so you don’t miss the opportunity to try this delicious dessert. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make Torta Balcarce:

  • 1 pionon
  • 100 grams of meringues
  • 400 grams of dulce de leche
  • 300 cubic centimeters of whipping cream
  • 30 grams of powdered sugar
  • 100 grams of sweet potato or brown glacé
  • 10 grams of nuts
  • To decorate:
  • 50 grams of powdered sugar

How to make Balcarce Cake:

  1. To start with the Balcarce cake recipe, you must first beat the cream with the powdered sugar. We point out that you should beat until you see that it maintains its shape and does not fall out of the mixer, but be careful not to overdo it and cut it.
  2. Mix the cream with the chopped nuts and sweet potatocut into small cubes.
  3. In this case, you must use sweet potato, since it gives it a delicious flavor and brown glacé can be a difficult ingredient to obtain, in addition, it has a high price.
  4. This option is much more accessible from all points of view and will be exquisite. Reserve your cream
  5. Tip: you can pre-roast the nuts to make them taste better.
  6.  To do this, heat them for about 5 minutes in the oven at maximum temperature or on a frying pan on maximum heat as well.
  7. Next, cut 3 pionono discs according to the size you want to make the dessert.
  8. You can use a plate or a metal ring to measure it. Make sure that the size is adequate to present your Balcarce cake.
  9. Begin to assemble the cake by smearing 1 of the pionono discs with dulce de leche. With the help of your hands, break some meringuesover the dulce de leche.
  10. You can leave some larger pieces and other smaller ones so they don’t break the pionono, but you should find that crunchy texture when you bite into a bite of the cake.
  11. On top of the meringues, add the cream that you have previously beaten with the sugar and that you have mixed with the sweet and the nuts.
  12. Repeat the order of the ingredients, that is, add another disk of pionono, spread it with dulce de leche and break more meringues on top.
  13. Add the last disk of pionono, cover the cake with a clean bag and take it to the fridge for at least 2 hours. In this way, it will be easier to decorate it.
  14. Once the time has passed, spread the cake with dulce de leche and hook more broken meringues on the edge.
  15. Instead of meringues, you can use grated coconut.
  16. Cover the surface of the Balcarce cake with the powdered sugar, helping you with a sieve or a fine strainer.
  17. You must cover it with a wide layer so that, in the next step, you can caramelize it. Approximately you will need 50 grams.
  18. Cover and continue to cool your cake while you move on to the next step.
  19. Heat an iron toolon the stove for approximately 20 minutes.
  20. Remove the cake from the fridge and rest the hot tool on it. In this way, you will achieve the classic decoration of this cake and an exquisite caramelized flavor.
  21. You can make the shapes and drawings that you like the most. Now you can enjoy the traditional Balcarce dessert!


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