Baked whiting recipe with sauce

We can find whiting in the market at a very good price, so we can make delicious dishes with it without having to make a large outlay. Due to that good price in the market, I wanted to make a recipe for baked whiting with sauce for with somewhat more expensive ingredients, but without having to break the bank, don’t worry. It will be worth the small effort, making a humble whiting in almond, pistachio and vanilla sauce, a plate 10.

Ingredients to make baked whiting with sauce:

  • 4 whiting between 300-400 g
  • 1 splash of olive oil
  • 2 French onions or shallots
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 100 grams of butter
  • 50 grams of filleted almond
  • 50 grams of Pistachios
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of Pepper

How to make baked whiting with sauce:

  1. To make our baked whiting with sauce, we will first preheat the oven to 180 ºC. While it is heating up, we will peel the garlic cloves and the French onions. Cut them into pieces. Book.
  2. Tip: If you don’t have shallots, use a small onion or half a large one.
  3. Now continue with the pistachios, peel and cut into thick pieces. Cut the vanilla pod in half lengthwise and cut it into six smaller pieces. Book.
  4. When the oven is hot, we will put the whiting cleaned of bones, head and guts in a suitable dish. Season to taste and drizzle with a good stream of olive oil. Put the whiting in a preheated oven at 180ºC for 8-10 minutes.
  5. Trick: Remember that whiting needs little time to bake to make it juicy.
  6. While our baked whiting is being made, we will make the nut sauce: put the butter in a wide pan, and when it has melted, add the sliced ​​almonds and lightly brown.
  7. To continue with the sauce to accompany baked fish: add the shallot and sliced ​​garlic, the pistachios, the vanilla pieces and the lemon juice. Add a pinch of salt and pepper. Stir constantly so the garlic doesn’t burn. Lightly brown and remove from heat.
  8. Remove the whiting from the oven, serve on individual plates and spread the sauce on top. Serve this fish right away in nut sauce so it doesn’t get cold.
  9. As you can see, you have a delicious dish of baked whiting in sauce in just 30 minutes. You can use another type of white fish for this preparation. The result is always very rich.

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