Baked trout recipe with bacon and cheese

Hello, this is my first recipe, I hope you like it a lot. I have chosen trout, since it is a slightly tasteless freshwater fish but, with the bacon and the prawns, it makes this fish very tasty. Discover with me how to make trout with bacon and prawns and…

Ingredients to make baked trout with bacon and cheese:

  • 2 trout
  • 200 grams of raw prawns
  • 2 slices of Tranches (cheese to melt)
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of Pepper
  • olive oil
  • 2 slices of bacon

How to make Baked Trout with Bacon and Cheese:

  1. We prepare the trout before getting down to work. To do this, we open the trout below to remove all the guts. Then, we wish them well inside and cut the fins (this step can be done in our fishmonger).
  2. Season the trout with salt and pepper inside, and then add a slice of bacon to each fish, just where the guts were before. In this way, we will be able to prepare a delicious stuffed fish.
  3. We take the peeled prawns and stuff the trout with them. Then, we put the slices of cheese so that they do not come out and the stuffed fish is perfect. You can use both forks and any other type of cheese to melt.
  4. To continue preparing the baked trout with bacon recipe, cut the potatoes into 2 cm slices and cook them in plenty of oil.
  5. Separately, we cut the tomatoes the same thickness as the potatoes. Then, in a baking dish, we put the potatoes and on them the tomato, making a bed with these ingredients for our trout stuffed with bacon and cheese.
  6. We put the trout with bacon and prawns on the previous bed of tomato and potato and bake them at 170 or 180 ºC for about 20 minutes.
  7. When the skin is crispy, they are ready to serve. Serve the baked bacon stuffed trout piping hot and enjoy.

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