Baked Stuffed Salmon Recipe

The recipe for baked stuffed salmon that we propose is simple and quick, with ingredients that are easy to find and common in most pantries. Of course, you should know that if you want you can modify the list and add more ingredients to the filling, since the baked salmon recipe lends itself to multiple alterations. In that case, don’t forget to leave your comment!

Ingredients to make Baked Stuffed Salmon:

  • 1 salmon
  • 3 Onions
  • 4 large mushrooms
  • 4 slices of bacon
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of Pepper
  • 1 splash of white wine

How to make Baked Stuffed Salmon:

  1. The first thing we are going to do is clean the fish well, if we have not asked them to carry out this step in the fishmonger. In this way, we remove the central spine and place the open salmon on a baking tray. If we want to add a little garnish, we can take one of the onions, cut it into julienne strips, place it all over the tray and arrange the fish on top.
  2. Trick: Preheat the oven to 180ºC with heat up and down.
  3. Now, we begin to prepare the salmon filling. To do this, we finely chop the remaining onions and fry them in a pan with hot oil. When they start to be transparent, add the washed and chopped mushrooms and sauté them together with the onion.
  4. Once the mushrooms are almost ready, add the bacon, also chopped or cut into strips and sauté everything. At this point we add salt and pepper to taste. When the filling is almost ready, we add a splash of white wine to enhance the flavor and let it is consumed.
  5. Trick: You can substitute the bacon for ham if you prefer, or add both ingredients.
  6. Remove the pan from the heat and place the filling on one of the salmon loins, well distributed. We close the fish and, if we consider it necessary, we seal the edge with wooden toothpicks to prevent it from opening during cooking. Pour a generous stream of olive oil on top and another of white wine.
  7. Bake the stuffed salmon for 20-30 minutes, or until it is ready, since depending on the size of the fish, the time may be longer.
  8. Clever! We serve the baked stuffed salmon accompanied by cheese fries, roasted potato wedges or a rocket salad. As you can see, this is a very easy baked salmon recipe to make and perfect for any occasion. Depending on the size of the fish, it can serve more or fewer people, so the indicated number of diners is indicative.

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