Baked salmon skewers recipe

If you like salmon, you will know that it can be prepared for all kinds of dishes, be it appetizers, main meals or light dinners. This time we wanted to make a gourmet appetizer made with baked salmon, ideal to surprise everyone at the next family gathering.

With the baked salmon skewers you will not only get applause, but it is also a nutritious dish that adults and children can enjoy. Salmon contains omega 3 fatty acids which help care for the heart and keep the cardiovascular system and arteries in optimal working order.

We invite you to stay and make this delicious recipe for baked skewers, following the step-by-step steps below.

Ingredients to make Baked Salmon Skewers:

  • 2 salmon fillets
  • 1 lemon unit
  • 1 pinch of garlic paste
  • 1 cup of soy sauce
  • 2 teaspoons of fruit vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons of bee honey
  • 1 teaspoon sesame or sesame seed oil
  • 8 units of small wooden sticks
  • 1 teaspoon sesame or sesame seeds
  • 1 tablespoon of dried oregano

How to make Baked Salmon Skewers:

Before starting to make our recipe for salmon skewers, you must prepare the ingredients. Remove the scales from the salmon skin with the help of a fish filleting knife. Make sure you remove them all so that none of your guests have problems.

Trick: If you want you can remove the skin of the fish to make this recipe

Cut the salmon into medium squares, approximately one bite size, so they are easy to eat. To marinate the skewers, in a deep bowl add all the ingredients, except the oregano and the sesame or sesame seeds. Mix the ingredients very well until the honey dissolves well.

Once the ingredients are integrated, then add the dried oregano and mix well again with the help of a hand mixer. Add the salmon cubes, as shown in the photograph, and let them marinate in the fridge for an hour so that our protein takes on the flavor of the ingredients.

After this time, assemble the skewers with the wooden sticks and then place them in a heat-resistant refractory along with the marinade. Preheat an oven to 180ºC and cook the skewers for 15-20 minutes, you will notice that the sauce will concentrate and take on a darker color.

Serve the baked salmon skewers sprinkling a little sesame or sesame seeds and a little of the sauce that is in the pan. If you want to add a bit of color add a bit of oregano as well. If you liked this recipe with salmon, we invite you to also try this salmon purée or another very original appetizer, such as salmon chocolates, ideal for an elegant and romantic dinner.

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