Baked Romanescu Recipe

Romanescu is a type of broccoli and cauliflower with numerous health benefits and properties. It contains many vitamins and minerals, with anticancer, diuretic, heart-healthy properties, it reduces blood cholesterol and, in addition, it has few calories. It is a great ally when it comes to losing weight. Even if you consume Romanescu with few supplements, like the recipe that we propose, it is much healthier and recommended. In just a few steps, you will obtain a delicious baked Romanescu, with its particular soft and fruity flavor.

Keep reading this article and discover how to make easy and healthy baked Romanescu. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make baked Romanescu:

  1.  1 romanescu of about 1200 g
  2.  1 pinch of salt
  3.  2 squirts of olive oil
  4.  1 large garlic clove

How to make baked Romanescu:

  • Are you wondering how to cook romanescu? Well, to make the baked romanescu recipe, you must first remove all the leaves from the vegetable. You should also cut a bit off the base of the romanescu, the hardest part of the trunk. Then wash it well and shake to remove excess water.
  • Put the romanescu on a tray lined with baking paper and add a little salt all over the surface, both on the top and on the bottom. Next, sprinkle with a splash of oil. Introduce in the oven preheated to 180 ºC with heat up and down and bake for 15 minutes. Halfway through cooking, turn it over so it browns a little on the bottom as well.
  • After 15 minutes, remove the romanescu from the oven and grate a good-sized clove of garlic on top of it. Finally, add another splash of olive oil
  • Tip: you can also make a delicious romanescu with spices and add the ones you like the most.
  • Cover the romanescu with aluminum foil and return to the oven, continue cooking at 180ºC with heat up and down for 20 more minutes.
  • Carefully remove the foil as it releases steam from inside. Next, cut the florets from the baked romanescu and serve immediately. An easy and delicious recipe for baked romanescu that we encourage you to prepare at home. If so, we’d love to see the results with a photograph.

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