Baked Rice Croquettes Recipe

Homemade croquettes are one of the most popular starters for adults and children, and they are not only a delight, but also admit endless combinations for all tastes. The croquette recipe that I want to share is different and very original, since its main ingredient is rice. It is a recipe for use, that is, you can use the rice that is left over from one day to the next for its preparation and also add other ingredients that you have in the fridge and that you have left over from other preparations.

To add different textures and flavor to the croquettes, I have incorporated pine nuts, dried tomato, green leaves, garlic, onion and, of course, nutmeg, the essential ingredient in any croquette recipe. Likewise, to achieve a lighter result, we will cook the croquettes in the oven, although we will also offer the option of frying them. Read on and learn how to make baked rice croquettes.

Ingredients to make Baked Rice Croquettes:

• 1 cup of cooked rice

• 1 chopped onion

• 3 garlic cloves minced

• 2 tablespoons of pine nuts

• 3 dried tomatoes, chopped

• 1 cup Swiss chard, spinach, or watercress

• 1/2 cup of wheat flour

• 1 cup of vegetable rice drink

• 1 splash of oil

• 1 teaspoon salt

• 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

• 1/2 cup of breadcrumbs

How to make Baked Rice Croquettes:

Chop the onion and garlic and fry them in hot oil in a pan until the onion begins to turn transparent.

Add the chopped dried tomato and fry for another minute. If you want to make your own tomatoes, don’t miss this dried tomato recipe.

Add the pine nuts and chopped green leaves to the sauce (you can choose any green leafy vegetable, for example, spinach, watercress, Swiss chard or kale). Add the salt, stir well and cook the vegetables for another minute.

Next, add the wheat flour to the pan, mix well and cook it for several minutes, stirring so that it does not burn and the baked rice croquettes are just right.

Pour the rice milk or any other vegetable drink into the pan and stir until thick. In this way, we will get some rice croquettes without milk ideal for people who are lactose intolerant.

Next, add the cooked rice and the nutmeg to the mixture so that it is homogeneous and sticky.

Wet your hands and take portions of dough, giving them oval croquette shapes. She fills a bowl with breadcrumbs and rolls each croquette, coating it on all sides.

Place the rice croquettes on a tray lined with parchment paper and greased with a little olive oil, and bake at 150ºC for approximately 20 minutes , turning them over halfway through cooking so they brown on all sides. Depending on the type of oven, the time may be longer or shorter. And to make them fried, heat a pan with plenty of oil and fry the croquettes until golden brown.

Tip: The oven must be preheated for the croquettes to cook well.

You can serve the recipe for baked rice croquettes as a starter, for example, with a homemade tomato sauce or aioli. Another option to serve these delicious rice croquettes is on the plate with a side of vegetables or potatoes.

Rice croquettes, an easy and simple recipe

This recipe for baked rice pudding croquettes is delicious and very easy to make. It can be prepared in the oven or cooked in hot oil, as we have mentioned. Likewise, brown rice croquettes can be made perfectly, substituting white rice for this other type of rice and following the recipe as we have explained. On the other hand, it is possible to add a piece of cheese to each croquette when forming it, which can be perfectly vegan, since these are vegan rice croquettes.

Rice is a very beneficial type of carbohydrate and suitable for weight loss diets, so if you were wondering if rice makes you fat, the answer is no, as long as it is cooked and consumed in its proper measure. In addition, when preparing this recipe for baked rice croquettes, we considerably reduce the amount of oil and, therefore, added fats.

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