Baked Quesillo with condensed milk recipe

This is a totally homemade cheese, creamy, very rich and easy to prepare. I recommend it for all occasions, since the whole family will like it.

How many times have you eaten this dessert and wished you knew how to cook it at home? Well, your chance has come! With this simple step by step you will learn how to make a delicious homemade cheese in a bain -marie, ideal for when we have guests at home!

Ingredients to make Quesillo with condensed milk in the oven:

  • 1 liter of milk
  • 370 grams of condensed milk
  • 2 cups of powdered milk
  • 10 eggs
  • 50 milliliters of rum
  • 25 milliliters of vanilla essence
  • ¾ cup of Sugar (150 grams)
  • For the caramel:
  • ½ cup of Sugar (100 grams)

How to make Quesillo with condensed milk in the oven

  1. Before starting to prepare the homemade quesillo, you must have a quesillera or mold for two liters of mixture available.
  2. Then, the caramel begins to be prepared. To do this, the sugar must be brought to the fire until it melts and acquires a caramel color.
  3. It is very important not to let it get too dark as it tends to be bitter. When we have obtained the desired color, being careful not to burn ourselves, we spread the caramel over all the edges of the mold.
  4. What I do is turn it with the help of a cloth and, when I have everything covered, I put the mold in cold water.
  5. As you do this, it starts to crack and that’s when we’ll know it’s ready.
  6. To make the baked cheese mixture, take a bowl and add the milk, condensed milk, powdered milk, eggs, vanilla, rum and sugar. Mix with a hand mixer.
  7. Then, we take the mixture in parts to the blender to make sure there are no lumps and the baked cheese is smooth and creamy.
  8. Then, we arrange the mixture in the moldcovered by the caramel that we prepared at the beginning of the recipe.
  9. We turn on the oven to high temperature so that it warms up.
  10. While it is heating up, we look for a mold a few centimeters wider than the one in the mixture to be able to bake the quesillo in a bain-marie.
  11. When we have everything ready, we take the cheese to the ovenfor an hour or an hour and a half at a medium temperature.
  12. We know that it is ready because when inserting a knife it should come out clean.
  13. When we remove it from the oven we must wait for it to cool enough to take it to the fridge. When it is cold, we can unmold and serve the baked cheese with condensed milkto enjoy it with the family.

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