Baked Pineapple Pork Skewers Recipe

The skewers are one of the most succulent appetizers since in them we can combine a wide variety of ingredients, whether they are of animal or vegetable origin, and we can also accompany them by seasoning them with different flavors, whether they are bittersweet, salty or spicy, because in any way they remain these appetizers are super delicious.

That is why this time we have for you an incredible recipe for super simple sweet and sour pork skewers, and best of all, they are exquisite. These are baked skewers, which in addition to containing pieces of pork, we are going to accompany with pieces of white onion and some delicious pieces of sweet pineapple, preparing a skewer seasoned with a little BBQ sauce and another natural.

We invite you to stay with us and discover step by step the preparation of these pork skewers with pineapple in the oven, you will see that you will love them.

Ingredients to make Baked Pineapple Pork Skewers:

  • 1 kilogram of pork in pieces
  • 2 pieces of white onion
  • 1 piece of pineapple
  • ½ cup BBQ Sauce
  • 2 tablespoons of oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper

How to make Baked Pineapple Pork Skewers:

In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will need to make these delicious baked pork with pineapple skewers.

To begin we take the pieces of pork, season them perfectly and place them in a saucepan with the previously heated oil, let the meat seal and once ready, remove it from the heat and reserve it for a moment.

Once the meat is sealed, we take the skewers for the skewers and begin to form them, for this we place pieces of onion, pieces of pineapple and pieces of sealed pork, until the entire skewer is filled. Now we take the barbecue sauce, and with the help of a small silicone brush, we begin to bathe some of the sweet and sour pork skewers with this sauce, trying  to cover both the onion, the pineapple and the meat.

Once ready, we put our skewers in the oven for about 20 minutes at 180 ° C. Once this time has passed, we remove them from the oven and READY! Now you can enjoy these delicious baked pork and pineapple skewers as you like, with or without BBQ sauce.

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