Baked Pasta with Tomato and Cheese Recipe – Halloween Special

The pasta dishes with tomato are, in my opinion, one of the richest there is. If we also add ricotta cheese, you can’t imagine how delicious they are. This characteristic soft and creamy cheese is great mixed with tomato sauce. When put in the oven, it leaves a unique consistency and flavor. A touch of gratin and we have one of the best pasta dishes you can find.

Taking advantage of the time, I found pasta with cute Halloween figurines (pumpkins, skulls and several other terrifying things) and I decided to make a festive dish to put in my husband’s Tupperware these days. He got a terrifying and delicious surprise!:) He has loved it, and it is that he is to lick your fingers. Keep reading and discovering with me the recipe for baked pasta with tomato and special cheese for Halloween.

Ingredients to make Baked Pasta with Tomato and Cheese – Halloween Special:

  1. 2 handfuls of Halloween Pasta
  2. 4 tablespoons homemade tomato sauce
  3. 2 tablespoons of ricotta cheese
  4. Powdered Parmesan cheese for sprinkling

How to make Baked Pasta with Tomato and Cheese – Halloween Special:

  • Put a saucepan with water and a pinch of salt on the fire and, when it boils, add the pasta and cook it according to the instructions on the bag. In this case 7 or 8 minutes were enough. When it is al dente, strain it and run under cold water to stop cooking.
  • Drain well and put in an oven-safe bowl. Add a few tablespoons of homemade tomato saucethat you can find on my blog and stir. Next, the ricotta cheese and we also stir well to continue with the preparation of the recipe for pasta in the oven with tomato.
  • Finally, we sprinkle the powdered cheese. We put the pasta in thehot oven at 180 ºC with the gratin on and leave it for a few minutes until the cheese melts and the surface is browned.
  • You will see how delicious the dish is with the mixed ricotta cheese. Without a doubt, this recipe for baked pasta with tomato and cheeseis a terrifying (since we are in Halloween) wonder.

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