Baked meat dumplings recipe

Baked meat dumplings are a simple recipe that is worth it because they are delicious. This type of dish is a very good option for an appetizer, a starter or to prepare for an informal dinner. They can be prepared from many different ingredients and making them from use always turn out good.

This time I have cooked the minced meat dumplings in the oven since they take less oil and are just as good as the fried ones. Keep reading this step by step with photos and get some finger-licking baked meat dumplings.

Ingredients to make baked meat dumplings:

• 1 package of dumpling wafers

• 1 small onion

• 1 can of fried tomato

• 400 grams of minced meat (veal-pork)

• 1 splash of oil

• 1 handful of salt

• 1 egg unit

How to make baked meat dumplings:

We prepare the ingredients to make these baked meat dumplings. Chop the onion very small. Put a pan with a splash of oil, brown the onion, add the minced meat a little salt and pepper and let cook until the meat is cooked.

Add the fried tomato. We will leave it to taste to our liking. Then we let everything cook for 5 minutes and turn off the heat. Reserve and let the meat cool. We will put the wafers on the counter and we will put spoonfuls of the filling for homemade meat dumplings that we have prepared.

We close the minced meat empanadillas and with the help of a fork we will leave they sealed so that the filling does not come out. We will put them on a baking tray. We beat the egg and with the help of a brush we will paint the empanadillas.

We put the meat dumplings in the oven, we will have it at 180 ºC preheated and we will leave them until they are golden. If you prefer to make some fried meat empanadas, do not miss this Argentine empanada recipe.

We will put the baked meat dumplings in a dish and ready to eat! Hot or cold they are delicious!

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