Baked Golden Scallops Recipe

Ingredients to make Baked Seared Scallops:

  • 8 medium-sized scallops (can be used frozen)
  • 3 large onions
  • 2 lemons
  • 125ml olive oil
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 8 tablespoons breadcrumbs
  • Salt

 How to make Baked Seared Scallops:

  1. To open the scallops, place the shell on a cloth so that it does not slip and pass a small knife between the two shells, pressing slightly to separate them; then, scrape the deep shell to remove the meat, being careful not to break it.
  2. The medallions and the coral (the orange crescent) are washed, thoroughly removing the adhering beards and all the sand. Reserve in the fridge, covered with a damp cloth.
  3. Likewise, save the shells and their lids, washing them perfectly.
  4. Step 2 Peel and chop the onions into small cubes; put a frying pan with the oil over a low heat; add the onion, bay leaf and a pinch of salt.
  5. Cover and let cook for at least one hour, until the onion has been reduced almost to a puree. Keep an eye on it continuously and stir it, so that it does not take on color, it should be transparent.
  6. Step 3 Turn on the oven gratin, when the onion is sufficiently cooked and rested, that is, totally cold.
  7. Place in each shell its corresponding meat medallion and its coral.
  8. Salt lightly and sprinkle each one with a squeeze of lemon; cover with the onion puree and sprinkle with plenty of breadcrumbs; Gratin them on the central tray of the oven.
  9. Remove when well browned, place each lid on your scallop and serve on a bed of lemon slices or wrapped in a napkin, like a nest.

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