Baked Eggs Recipe

Eggs on a plate are one of the most traditional dishes of Spanish cuisine. Normally, they are prepared in a pan, but we can also do it in the oven without losing flavor or texture. Also, the ingredients may vary depending on the region. In this case, we will make baked eggs with Serrano ham, which can be replaced with sweet ham, chorizo ​​or bacon. Of course, what should not be missing is the tomato, the peas and, of course, the egg, since they are the basic ingredients of the recipe.

If you like strong flavors, in addition to the ingredients mentioned you can add more vegetables and make a kind of ratatouille or fried vegetables. Either way it will be delicious because it is a very complete dish, as well as fast. Stay and discover with us how to make baked eggs.

Ingredients to make Baked Eggs:

  • 4 eggs
  • 200 grams of Serrano ham
  • 300 grams of peas
  • 400 grams of fried tomato or tomato sauce
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper

How to make Baked Plated Eggs:

  1. Preheat the oven to 200ºC with heat up and down and place the tray in the middle.
  2.  Heat water in a saucepan with a little salt and, when it starts to boil, add the peas to cook them.
  3.  Leave them until they are well cooked. When they are ready, drain them and reserve them.
  4. Tip: you can use canned peas already cooked, frozen or fresh.
  5. Cut the ham into small cubes or strips. Remember that you can substitute this ingredient for bacon, sweet ham or chorizo.
  6. To make the baked eggs, we recommend using individual clay pots.
  7. Thus, at the base put the fried tomato sauce covering the entire bottom and distribute the cooked peas on top.
  8.  The amount of peas is to taste. You can also make a sauce with tomato and onion to cover the base.
  9. Tip: for a healthier option, opt for crushed natural tomato.
  10. Divide the ham in the pans and add a little salt and pepper, but without going over salt because the ham is already salty.
  11. Place an egg in each pan and on top of all the ingredients.
  12.  Season the egg with a little salt if you like it a bit salty. You can put a little more ham on top.
  13. Cook the eggs in the oven dish for 6-8 minutes or until the eggs are done.
  14. Once they are ready, take out the pans and serve right away. As you can see, it is a quick and complete dish that is good for a quick dinner.
  15. With what to accompany the eggs to the baked dish
  16. You can serve the baked eggs with baked potatoes, with some boiled pasta or with white rice.
  17. Likewise, you can enjoy this exquisite dish without any accompaniment beyond a piece of bread.


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