Baked Dorada recipe with vegetables

Ingredients to make Baked Dorada with vegetables:

  • 5 sea bream fillets.
  • 300 grams of cooked verdurous mix (peas or carrot peas and beans or beans).
  • 2 units of lemons.
  • 150 ml of soy sauce.
  • Garlic paste.
  • I jumped.

How to make Baked Dorada with Vegetables:

  1. To start making our recipe for baked sea bream with vegetables, the first step is to prepare all the ingredients.
  2. Marinate our fillets in soy sauce, a teaspoon of garlic paste, lemon juice and black pepper. Marinate in the fridge for about 30 minutes.
  3. Take each of the fillets to a refractory and cover with aluminum foil.
  4. Bake our sea bream fillets in the oven for approximately 20 minutes at 150 degrees Celsius.
  5. Heat our vegetables with a little butter over medium heat. Serve our sea bream covered with the vegetables

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