Baked Dorada recipe with potatoes and peppers

If you don’t know how to make baked bread and want to learn it, you’ve got it sucked, because today we are going to show you the recipe for baked bread with potatoes and peppers, an exquisite dish to prepare on any occasion and surprise to yours without complicating too much. Don’t think about it anymore and take advantage of the next family gathering to delight everyone with a delicious baked sea bream with potatoes.

Ingredients to make Baked Dorada with potatoes and peppers

  • 2 clean giltheads
  • 4 potatoes
  • 1 large red bell pepper
  • 1 green or Italian bell pepper
  • 2 onions
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • Fresh parsley
  • 1 jet of semi-sweet white wine
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • 1 lemon
  • Cherry tomatoes

How to make Baked Dorada with potatoes and peppers:

  1. To prepare this baked sea bream with potatoes and peppers, the first thing we have to do is gather all the necessary ingredients and preheat the oven to 200 ºC.
  2. Then we peel and cut the potatoes into slices of approximately 1/2 cm to use as a base for the baked sea bream with onion and peppers.
  3. Next we do the same with the onion and cut it into julienne strips.
  4. And we also wash and cut the peppers into slices. I have used a red and a green Italian pepper but you can use the type you want to make the baked sea bream with potatoes.
  5. Next, we will make the cicada: peel the garlic and place them in the chopper glass along with a good handful of fresh parsley leaves, a splash of white wine and plenty of oil. Crush everything and you will get the mixture that we will pour over the garnish of the baked sea bream with potatoes.
  6. Then take a baking tray , pour a little oil and place the potatoes on the base, then sprinkle a pinch of salt and place the peppers, onions and cherry tomatoes (previously washed) on top. Sprinkle a little more salt, add a few tablespoons of the previous mixture and put the tray in the oven. Let the sea bream garnish cook in the oven for at least one hour or until you see that everything is beginning to brown.
  7. Once the vegetables are starting to brown, cut some lemon slices, put them inside the golden ones to make them more flavorful and place the fish on the baked garnish. Sprinkle a little more of the cicada we had on top. Let the sea bream cook in the oven with potatoes and onion until its eyes turn white that will mean that the bream is ready.
  8. Trick: If you want, you can add more spoonful’s of the mince from time to time to give it more flavor and so that the bream does not dry out too much in the oven.
  9. Once the eyes are white, the sea bream baked with potatoes and peppers is ready to serve.

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