Baked Chicken Green Enchiladas Recipe

Mexican enchiladas are a very popular dish around the world. The main characteristic of the enchilada recipe is a base of stuffed corn tortillas bathed in a sauce that can vary according to each version of the dish.

One of these types are the famous green enchiladas, which, as the name implies,  are bathed in a slightly spicy green sauce and we have that recipe step by step. So if you want to learn how to prepare Mexican enchiladas, keep reading, gather the ingredients and let’s cook some delicious baked green chicken enchiladas!

Ingredients to make Baked Green Chicken Enchiladas:


  • ½ chicken breast
  • 2 red tomato
  • ¼ onion
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 1 tablespoon of oil
  • 12 units of corn tortilla

Green sauce

  • ½ kilogram of green tomato
  • ¼ onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 Jalapeno Peppers
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper

How to make Baked Green Chicken Enchiladas:

We present to you what we will use for the delicious baked chicken green enchiladas. Assemble all the ingredients in this way to speed up the preparation of the recipe. To begin, the first thing will be to cook the chicken. To do this, we are going to place our half chicken breast in a saucepan with hot water with a little salt and a slice of onion. Meanwhile, in a smaller saucepan and also with boiling water, we will place the ingredients to start preparing the green sauce: green tomato, garlic, onion and jalapeño peppers.

On the other hand, once the chicken is ready, we shred it and chop the onion, the red tomato and the cilantro to prepare the filling for our enchiladas.

In a pan, previously heated with oil, fry the onion and red tomato. I remember that these ingredients must be finely chopped. After a few minutes, when the onion and tomato are done, it will be time to add the chicken, seasoning with salt and pepper. Stir the whole, continue with the cooking of the filling of our green enchiladas for a couple more minutes and reserve.

When the ingredients of our sauce are perfectly cooked, we empty them into the blender and grind everything until we obtain a uniform and homogeneous consistency. As it is seen in the photo.

Tip: It is advisable to wait for the ingredients to cool down a bit before grinding them in the blender.

Heat a frying pan or saucepan again with a little oil and when done, fry the sauce and season with salt and pepper to taste. Let it reduce slightly.

Go assembling the enchiladas as seen in the photo. Place a portion of filling in the center of each tortilla and close forming a crescent. Now that we have our stuffed corn tortillas ready. The next step is to bathe the enchiladas in the sauce. To do so, put them in the pot with the sauce one at a time, as seen in the photo, until they are full of sauce. When all our stuffed tortillas are bathed in sauce, we arrange them in the baking dish and add a little more sauce on top.

Cook the enchiladas in the oven for 15 minutes at 180°C. You can place it in a glass refractory mold or in a previously greased baking tray.

AND READY! Coming out of the oven we have some delicious baked green chicken enchiladas that you can serve adding the shredded lettuce on top along with some chopped onion, cilantro and sour cream. Enjoy!

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