Baked Cabbage Recipe

Looking for cabbage recipes to vary your menus? Well, don’t miss this suggestion and learn how to make baked cabbage in a very easy, tasty and perfect way to lose weight!

Cabbage is a very nutritious and versatile vegetable in the kitchen, since there are many ways to choose how to cook cabbage, also known as cabbage in many other countries, and this one that we share in Free Recipes is probably one of the easiest and tastiest.

In the preparation of this oven-roasted cabbage recipe we obtain a vegetable that is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, as well as being full of flavor due to the seasonings that we add to it, but if you prefer, you can use all the spices and aromatic herbs that you like the most

Also, this oven-roasted cabbage is perfect as an appetizer or as a side to other dishes and is ready in just 30 minutes. Also, this light baked cabbage recipe is very low in calories, healthy and nutritious, making it perfect if you want to lose weight or are on a strict fat loss plan. Do you dare with the easy and light recipe?

Ingredients to make Baked Cabbage:

  • ½ cabbage
  • 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 cloves of minced garlic
  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Baked Cabbage:

Preheat the oven to 180ºC, this will be the first step to prepare the oven roasted cabbage. Remove all the old cabbage leaves and then cut the vegetable into slices about 1 cm thick.

Being careful not to break them, place the cabbage slices on the oven rack previously lined with parchment paper.

Tip: Place the cabbage slices together on the rack so they don’t burn as quickly when grilling.

In a bowl mix all the seasonings: oil, garlic, pepper and salt. Then spread the vegetables with this mixture with the help of a spoon or a kitchen brush and then put the cabbage in the oven at 180 ° C for 20 minutes , turning on the fan if possible, or until it is soft in the center and crisp on the sides. Edges.

If your oven doesn’t have a vent function, open the door a moment after the first 10 minutes of cooking to remove excess steam and close it again, and you’ll get crispy oven-roasted cabbage and it won’t taste like it’s just cooked.

Trick: If you have spray oil you can use it when seasoning the baked cabbage, it is much faster than brushing it. After the indicated time, the light baked cabbage recipe will be ready.

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