Baked Asparagus Recipe

Baked white asparagus provide us with a lot of fiber, in addition to vitamins and minerals, also adding very few calories to our body. But eating battered asparagus is always synonymous with adding more calories, but I assure you that this is not always the case.

In fact, at this article, we offer you two different ways of making this same recipe, the classic way, fried in olive oil, or reducing calories, cooking the asparagus in the oven. The two ways are just as simple and the result in terms of flavor is very similar, now the final choice for its preparation is up to you.

In this case, I have prepared the baked asparagus with ham but you also have the option of rolling them up with a slice of the cheese that you like and coating them and au gratin as well as in this recipe for baked wild asparagus with ham and cheese .

Ingredients to make Baked Asparagus:

• 12 thick white canned asparagus

• 12 thin square slices of York ham

• 50 grams of flour

• 2 eggs

• 100 grams of breadcrumbs

• 1 pinch of freshly ground black pepper

How to make Baked Asparagus:

First of all, we are going to carefully drain and dry the asparagus well and wrap each one in a thin slice of York ham (if you wish, you can previously put a square slice of cheese between the asparagus and the ham).

Trick: This time I did not add cheese to make a lighter dish, but do not hesitate to add it too.

Carefully flour the asparagus.

Tip: If you are celiac, use cornstarch or chickpea or rice flour to flour the white asparagus.

Pass the battered asparagus in the beaten egg. And finally, we coat them with the breadcrumbs to which we will have previously put a little freshly grated pepper.

Personally, I don’t like the bread that they sell grated to prepare white asparagus in the oven, I prefer to grate it at home, and for this I put the cut pieces of bread (with crust and crumbs) in the blender and grind them. I like the texture that remains, because it is more similar to panko.

Trick: You can coat the asparagus with toasted corn (kilos) or crushed almonds so that they do not contain gluten.

And now, we have two options: either bake the asparagus or fry it. To make them fried, put a good splash of olive oil in a large frying pan and when it is very hot, fry them on both sides until they are golden brown and let them drain on absorbent kitchen paper.

But, this time I have decided to reduce calories and I have baked asparagus with ham, and for this, we line a tray with parchment paper and put the battered asparagus on it. We bake them at 200 ºC with heat up and down for 15 minutes or until they are golden.

Tip: The cooking time for baked asparagus may vary depending on your appliance, but more than 15 minutes does not usually take long.

We immediately serve the baked asparagus with a light mayonnaise sauce, a yogurt sauce or the sauce you want, for example.

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