Bagel Recipe

Ingredients to make Bagels:

  • For the liquid ferment
  • 375 grams of flour
  • 3 grams of active dry yeast
  • 427 grams of Water
  • For the thin dough
  • all liquid ferment
  • 2 grams of dry yeast
  • 360 grams of strength flour
  • 15 grams of salt
  • 7 grams of powdered malt extract
  • Toilet

How to make Bagels:

  1. We will start the bagel recipe with the liquid ferment. To do this, take a large container and mix the flour, dry yeast and water in it. Once the ingredients are integrated, we cover the container with transparent film paper or with its lid if it has one, and let it rest until small bubbles cover the entire surface. This can take at least two hours.
  2. Then, we pass the liquid ferment to the blender glass, add the additional yeast and 3/4 parts of the flour. We put the mixer on low speed and knead briefly, until the ingredients are mixed well. Afterwards, we add the salt and the malt extract and continue to knead until obtaining a homogeneous mass.
  3. Add the rest of the flour and increase the kneading speed. The result should be very elastic dough, with a shiny and uniform touch, it should separate well from the edges and the bottom of the glass, as well as have a final temperature of between 25 and 28ºC. The kneading can take approximately 20 minutes.
  4. Divide the dough into 9 portions of the same size and shape each of them into a donut. Place the bagels on a baking tray and let them rest for 10 minutes. Then, with our fingers, we make the hole in the center. As it is such elastic dough, it tends to shrink, so we must insist that the hole remain.
  5. With the help of a kitchen brush, paint the bagels with oil and cover them with plastic wrap to let them rest for another 20 minutes. To find out if the buns have rested long enough, fill a container with water and insert one of the buns. It must float for 10 seconds, if we observe that it goes to the bottom, it means that we must let it rest for another 10 or 20 minutes. If they are ready, we reserve the bagels in the refrigerator until the next day.
  6. The next day, we take a saucepan and put water to boil with the baking soda. Remove the bagels from the fridge and, when the water boils, add them one by one to the casserole. Cook them for 30 seconds to 1 minute per side and return them to the baking tray. When they are all cooked, paint them with beaten egg and sprinkle sesame seeds on top.
  7. Preheat the oven to 260ºC. When it is hot, we bake the bagels for 5 minutes, lower the temperature to 230ºC and let them bake for 13 more minutes, or until we see that they are ready.
  8. Remove the bagels when they are done and let them cool on a wire rack. And ready! You can now consume them by cutting them in half and spreading cocoa cream or the jam that you like best.

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