Bacon Macaroni and Cheese Recipe

Who doesn’t like pasta? I think that everyone loves them because there is a different style and flavor for all tastes: there are salty, sweet, spicy, liquid, and thick, with or without protein of some kind, there in different colors, with vegetables, with fruit, etc….; as I was saying, I think that we all like at least one type of homemade pasta.

Now, tell me, what do you think of pasta with cheese as the main ingredient? For example, I love macaroni and cheese because they are an excellent option to whet our appetite before a delicious main dish. It is also one of the recipes with more styles and more reproduced within gastronomy in general. And because it is very popular, this time we have a delicious recipe for macaroni with cheese and bacon for you, which will give a special touch to this preparation.

So we invite you to continue with us and discover this fascinating recipe for homemade macaroni that you will love!

Bacon Macaroni and Cheese Ingredients:

  1. 1 bag of macaroni
  2. 200 grams of Bacon
  3. 1 tablespoon chopped onion
  4. 1 garlic clove minced
  5. 3 tablespoons of Cornstarch
  6. 1 cup of plain water
  7. 4 cups of Milk (960 milliliters)
  8. 2 tablespoons of powdered chicken bouillon
  9. 5 slices of American Cheese
  10. 100 grams of mozzarella cheese
  11. 1 pinch of Pepper

How to make Macaroni and Cheese with Bacon:

  • You can see the ingredients that we will use to prepare our macaroni and cheese and bacon pasta.
  • Let’s start by putting the macaroni to cook. For this we put enough water in a saucepan, put it on high heat, and add a piece of onion, a clove of garlic, salt and whole black pepper. Once the water boils, add the pasta, put it over medium heat and let it cook for approximately 6 minutes. Once ready, we remove it from the water and reserve a moment.
  • Meanwhile we begin to chop the bacon, into small cubes of approximately 1 cm on each side. Once ready we reserve them.
  • On the other hand we take the corn starch and add the three tablespoons in the cup of water. Stir to dilute it very well in the water and reserve it for a moment. Before using it with the macaroni and cheese we move again to integrate.
  • Now in a hot saucepan we put the bacon to brown, without adding more fat and with the same fate as the bacon it is enough for it to cook well.
  • Once the bacon is well browned, we remove it from the saucepan and with the same fat that it released we are going to fry the minced garlic and the minced onion.
  • Once the onion is transparent, add the corn starch diluted in the water, and integrate everything perfectly
  • Next we add the milk and the chicken broth powder, and again we integrate all the ingredients of the macaroni and cheese and bacon again.
  • Immediately we add the cheeses, and we constantly remove them until they have completely dissolved. All this we cook over medium heat.
  • Finally, once the cheese is well dissolved, add the cooked pasta and the browned bacon and integrate everything very well.
  • AND READY! We must serve these macaroni and cheese and bacon very hot so that they are very tasty and you will see how delighted you will be. Good appetite!

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