Bacon and Blue Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms Recipe

Stuffed mushrooms are easy to cook, fast and offer us a whole range of possibilities, since we can fill them with practically whatever we want. In this article, we teach you the step by step to prepare some delicious mushrooms stuffed with bacon and blue cheese, keep reading!

Ingredients to make Bacon and Blue Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms:

  • 6 units of Mushrooms
  • 1 slice of Bacon
  • 1 wedge of blue cheese
  • 1 jar of sobrassada
  • 1 jet of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of parsley
  • 1 splash of lemon juice

How to make Bacon and Blue Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms:

1 The first thing you should do to make this stuffed mushroom recipe is to clean the mushrooms and carefully remove the stem. You should not cut it, just pull it with your fingers to make it come out and leave a hole in the mushroom. Arrange the mushrooms on an oven-safe tray.

2 Separately, cut the bacon into thin strips. In order not to waste the stems that you removed from the mushrooms, you can also include them in the tray and bake them to consume them.

3 Then stuff each of the mushrooms with the bacon bits, so they all have the same amount.

4 Now it’s blue cheese’s turn. We have opted for a Roquefort, but you can use the one you like best. Simply cut off a small piece and place it on top of the bacon strips. The amount of blue cheese will depend on the taste of each cook.

5 To give the stuffed mushrooms an extra touch, we wanted to add a little sobrassada. As it is optional, if you don’t like this ingredient, simply remove it from the recipe, or substitute it with another of your liking. You can also add grated cheese if you wish.

6 Add a few drops of lemon juice to the mushroom filling, or prepare a lemon vinaigrette with the juice, olive oil and a pinch of salt. If you opted only for the juice, add a splash of olive oil to each mushroom.

7 Sprinkle a little parsley, rosemary or thyme to give the bacon stuffed mushrooms a hint of aroma. Preheat the oven to 200ºC, only with heat below.

8 Bake the stuffed mushrooms for 15 minutes, or until you see that the blue cheese is melted and the mushrooms are well done. When there is a minute left, turn off the oven and leave the mushrooms inside.

9 Clever! Serve the mushrooms stuffed with bacon and blue cheese with the juice that remained in the tray. You can eat them for dinner, or serve them as an accompaniment to a grilled beef or chicken fillet.

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