Baba rum recipe

Ingredients to make Baba with rum:

  • 20 grams of pressed yeast
  • 200 grams of flour
  • 3 cups of Sugar (600 grams)
  • 6 cups of Water (1440 milliliters)
  • 100 grams of candied fruits
  • 2 cups of Milk (480 milliliters)
  • 4 dessert spoons of Butter
  • 6 units of Eggs
  • 1 cup of dark rum

How to make Baba with rum:

  • The first step to make this incredible rum baba is to dissolve the yeast in warm milk. Then, mix this preparation with half of the flour to form dough. Cover it with a clean cloth and let it rise.
  • Separately, beat the butter You can use electric or manual rods, as you prefer. Mix the whipped butter with the rest of the reserved flour and two tablespoons of sugar.
  • Add the eggs one at a time to the butter mixture. Mix this mass with the yeast that you reserved until it forms a single homogeneous mass.
  • Take a round mold to make the authentic baba al rum and grease it with butter. Pour the batter into it, cover it, and let it sit for the batter to rise. When it has doubled in size, bake the cake at 180ºC for approximately 40 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, prepare syrup with the rest of the sugar, water and rum. To do this, heat these ingredients over medium heat. When the syrup is ready, reserve it to bathe the cake with it.
  • Remove the cake from the oven when it is done and bathe it with the warm rum syrup. Let it cool down and decorate the baba with homemade rum with the fruits.

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