Avocado Deviled Eggs Recipe

Eggs contain large amounts of choline, a nutrient that acts in the formation of the nervous system and memory centers, as well as carotenoids, which improve eye health. It also contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium and non-home iron. We point out that this type of iron, unlike that of meat, has a lower percentage of absorption.

We can promote bioavailability by consuming it with meats, acidic foods or with beta-carotene, as well as reducing it with a lot of fiber, calcium or coffee. This is essential, especially for those who follow a vegetarian diet. Despite having suffered years of bad fame, today we know that 60% of the fats in eggs are healthy, of the mono and polyunsaturated type. These fats, along with lecithin, even help lower high blood cholesterol.

We teach you how to make eggs stuffed with avocado. You will see how easy and rich this preparation is!

Ingredients to make Avocado Deviled Eggs:

  • 3 eggs
  • ½ avocado
  • ¼ lemon (juice)
  • ½ teaspoon mint
  • 1 tablespoon spreadable cheese
  • 2 slices of smoked bacon
  • 1 pinch of pepper

How to make Avocado Deviled Eggs:

  1. To get started with the avocado deviled eggs recipe, first cook the eggs in a pot of cold water, about 12 minutes.
  2.  After the time, remove them and let them rest in cold water also to stop the cooking.
  3. When they cool down, peel them.
  4. Cut the egg in half and separate the yolk from the white.
  5. Reserve the whites while you concentrate on the yolks.
  6. Mash the yolks and season them with pepper and mint.
  7. You can use mint fresh or dried, even replace it with parsley.
  8. Next, add the mashed avocado, the lemon juice and the spreadable cheese.
  9. Next, mix the preparation of the filling and taste it.
  10. Correct the flavor if necessary and, when you like it, cover it and keep it in the fridge.
  11. Trick: cover it hermetically and add lemon to it is essential so that the avocado does not oxidize and your filling loses its green color.
  12. While the filling cools, prepare the pancetta. To do this, brown the slices in a non-stick pan until they turn golden brown.
  13.  At that point, carefully flip them over so you don’t break them, and brown the other side as well.
  14.  On each side it can take about 3 or 4 minutes.
  15. When they are golden brown on both sides, transfer them to a wire rack to dry.
  16. Pour the filling that you have prepared for your avocado deviled eggs into a sleeve with the nozzle of your choice.
  17. We recommend that you place the sleeve inside a jar or glass to make it easier to fill.
  18. Fill the egg whites with the preparation of yolks and avocado.
  19. Also, add to decorate and add flavor, the bacon in small pieces and sprinkle the dish with turmeric or paprika.
  20. Serve your starter and show off with these delicious eggs stuffed with avocado.

Avocado Vegetarian Deviled Eggs

As for the decoration of the eggs stuffed with avocado, you can decorate the egg with a piece of smoked salmon, instead of doing it with pancetta. And, if you prefer cooked salmon, you can then grill it with lemon and add it shredded to the preparation. We point out that salmon is a fish with a high content of healthy fats. In particular, it provides EPA and DHA, precursors of the omega-3 fatty acid. This is an essential fatty acid, that is, we must incorporate it exclusively in the diet, because our body cannot produce it. In addition, it is a fatty acid that is not available in many foods. On the other hand, omega-6 is present, for example, in avocado. We must maintain a certain balance between these two fatty acids and, therefore, this combination is very healthy


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