Austrian Facade Recipe in a Fast Pot

There is nothing better to combat low temperatures than a good hot dish, from a spoon, like a traditional Austrian bean stew. Some good beans cooked with great care and quality sausages will make this dish a delight for anyone’s palate. On this occasion, due to the little time I have, I have chosen to start cooking the beans in the slow cooker and finish them over low heat. But if you have enough time, or you don’t have a quick pot, you can do it from the beginning over normal heat without problems; they will come out more than appetizing. Tip: I cooked them the evening before eating them, this way they are even tastier. Keep reading and discover here, how to make Austrian bean stew in a quick pot.

Ingredients to make Austrian Facade in a fast pot:

  • ½ kilogram of beans or fables
  • 200 grams of cured Iberian bacon
  • 1 Iberian horseshoe black pudding (150gr approx.)
  • 1 Iberian chorizo ​​horseshoe or jabuguito (150gr approx.)
  • 1 tablespoon sweet paprika
  • 1 medium bell pepper
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 large tomato
  • 1 small spring onion
  • 3 garlic cloves

How to make Austrian Facade in a fast pot:

  1. In order to prepare this recipe for Austrian bean stew, the first thing to do is check that we have all the ingredients
  2. When we have everything ready, it is important to soak the beans for about 12 hours before cooking them to prevent them from becoming hard.
  3. After the time, we strain them and let them drain while we continue with the recipe.
  4. While the beans drain, chop the vegetables, add salt to taste and fry them in a pressure cooker with hot oil, uncovered.
  5. When the vegetables are fried, we remove them from the pot, beat them in a separate container and put them back in the pot.
  6. Trick: We fry the vegetables over medium heat so that the garlic does not burn.
  7. Heat the crushed vegetables a little more over medium heat, stirring continuously.
  8. While they heat up, cut the black pudding, the chorizo ​​and the cured bacon into pieces.
  9. Once we observe that the vegetables begin to boil, we add these ingredients and mix well.
  10. Add the beans and sweet paprika to taste.
  11. Mix well to continue with the Austrian bean stew recipe.
  12. Cover the beans with water and add a little more salt. We cover the pot and at level two we cook the mixture over medium-high heat for about 15-20 minutes from when it starts to beep.
  13. Once this time has elapsed, remove the steam from the pot and carefully uncover.
  14. Let cook over low heat with the pot uncovered until the water is consumed and the beans are soft.
  15. In my case they have been about 40 minutes more, but this will depend on the plate, vitro or fire that we each have at home.
  16. It is a matter of trying the Austrian bean stew to see that they are tender.
  17.  When the beans are soft, turn off the heat, let the Austrian bean stew rest and… Eat! This dish is perfect to accompany it with good homemade bread

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