Aubergines Stuffed with Mushrooms Recipe

Are you one of those who find it hard to eat vegetables? Do you follow a vegetarian diet, but do not come up with many recipe ideas? This dish is ideal for you! It is about delicious aubergines stuffed with their own pulp, onion and mushrooms, with very Mediterranean flavors. In addition, it is easy and fast, ideal to make if you do not have so much time and even to eat them at work, you will be the envy of your colleagues!

On the other hand, with this same recipe you can prepare aubergines stuffed with vegetables and mushrooms, since you only need to add more vegetables to the list of ingredients, such as zucchini, carrots… Discover in Free Recipes how to make aubergines stuffed with mushrooms with this simple recipe.

Ingredients to make Aubergines stuffed with mushrooms:

  1.  2 eggplants
  2.  300 grams of mushrooms (1 can)
  3.  1 large onion
  4.  90 grams of fresh cheese (can be for vegans or lactose intolerant)
  5.  1 dessert spoon of smoked paprika
  6.  1 dessert spoon of thyme
  7.  1 tablespoon sugar-free cornflakes

How to make Mushroom Stuffed Aubergines:

  • Wash and cut the aubergines in half lengthwise. Make some cross cuts in its pulp, as you see in the image, so that it cooks better inside. Cook 3 of the halves in the microwave for 10-12 minutes in a covered container.
  • Tip: if you don’t have a microwave, cook it steamed or in the oven cut in the same way and wrapped in aluminum foil in the case of cooking it in the oven.
  • Being careful not to burn yourself, remove the pulp from the aubergines, leaving some meat near the shell and set it aside.
  • Chop, cut and caramelize the onion with its own sugars. To do this, brown it in a nonstick skillet with spray oil (or a splash) over medium heat. Add 1 tablespoon of water and stir sporadically until evaporated. Repeat this procedure as many times as you want until you get tender and very sweet onions.
  • Add the pulp of the cooked aubergines and the mushrooms. Sauté the vegetables for a few minutes and season them with the paprika and thyme.
  • Tip: to make aubergines stuffed with vegetables and mushrooms, add the chosen vegetables, finely chopped, before adding the aubergine pulp.
  • Fill the aubergines with the sautéed vegetables and place them in a roasting pan or ovenproof dish.
  • Cover them with the fresh cheese and sugar-free cornflakes, breaking them with your hands. Heat them and gratin the cheese in the oven at 200 ºC for approximately 15 minutes. You can finish gratin the cheese on the oven rack.
  • Since this recipe is perfectly suitable for vegans, you can use vegan cheese. For this recipe, we recommend vegan mozzarella cheese.
  • Serve these delicious stuffed eggplants with mushrooms. You can accompany them with rice to nutritionally complete this dish.

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