Asturian Frixuelos recipe

It is a typical dessert from Asturias (“frixuelos”, “fayuelos”), León (“frijuelos”) and Cantabria, although they are also made in Galicia (“filloas”) and in more parts of the world with other different names and some other Variation in the recipe. On this occasion, we will focus on the version of Asturian frixuelos, a recipe that is usually prepared during Carnival, especially in Antroxu and Las Comadres.

The preparation of Asturian frixuelos is simple and its ingredients are of humble origin: eggs, sugar, flour, oil, milk and anise. Do you want to know the recipe step by step? Keep reading and discover in this article how to make Asturian frixuelos.

Ingredients to make Asturian Frixuelos:

  • 200 milliliters of milk (you can use vegetable milk)
  • 125 grams of wheat flour or cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons butter or oil
  • 1 lemon (zest)
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons white or brown sugar
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon of sweet or dried aniseed
  • 3 tablespoons of icing sugar

How to make Asturian Frixuelos:

  1. If you want to reduce the number of calories in Asturian frixuelos, you should know that you can achieve it using cane or panela sugar, cornstarch and non-sugar added non-dairy milk.
  2.  In addition, this will be a recipe suitable for celiacs and lactose intolerant. Having said this, grate the lemon and beat the eggs with the sugar and salt.
  3. Add the milkand mix again. Next, add the flour or cornstarch in three batches to integrate it better.
  4. Mixes, and finally the tablespoon of anise, leaving a light cream texture.
  5. Add the aniseand keep beating.
  6. Then add the lemon zest and integrate it to flavor the dough. If you prefer, you can use orange zest to make frixuelos with this aroma.
  7. Tip: the result should be a dough that is lighter than a cream.
  8. Pour a drizzle of olive oilto avoid the step of adding it to the pan every time you cook a frixuelo.
  9. This is a little trick that we share, but of course you can follow the traditional method and add the oil or butter to the pan. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes in the fridge.
  10. After 30 minutes, heat a nonstick skillet about 20 cm in diameter.
  11. Once hot, add half a scoop of dough, distribute it all over the base so that the frixuelo is very thin and let it cook.
  12. Flip the frixuelo when you notice that it is browning in the corners or bubbles begin to appear on the surface. In general, 40 seconds per side is usually enough because they are very thin tortillas.
  13. Reserve them on a plate, forming a pile of frixuelos so they don’t cool down so quickly.
  14. When they are all done, serve them and enjoy these delicious Asturian grandma frixueloswith icing sugar on top, honey, jam or chocolate.

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