Assorted Fish Soup Recipe

Ingredients to make mixed fish soup:

  • 800 g of fish (hake, monkfish and conger eel)
  • 200g tomato
  • 100g onion
  • 200g leek
  • 100g carrot
  • Oil
  • Garlic
  • Parsley
  • Salt
  • Water
  • 200 g dry bread

How to make mixed fish soup:

1.We cut the fish into pieces after having cleaned them carefully.

2.In a deep pan, add oil and chop the onion, then the tomatoes, leeks, carrots, parsley and garlic.

3.We fry the vegetables a little, add the fish, a little water and salt, and boil everything together for about 30 minutes.

4.Remove the fish to a plate and crumble it.

5.The broth will continue to cook for another hour. We strain it.

6.Put the toasted bread in a clay pot and add the broth and the shredded fish.

7.Boil the whole for a few minutes and serve in the pot itself.


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