Asian Spaghetti Recipe

Asian spaghetti combines intense and exotic flavors in a dish that will become one of your favorites. These chicken rice noodles will help you get out of the routine on special days and don’t be scared by the amount of ingredients, because this Asian spaghetti recipe is easier than it appears.

Ingredients to make Asian Spaghetti:

  1. 120 grams of rice spaghetti
  2. 250 grams of chicken breast
  3. 2 garlic cloves
  4. 1 unit of red onion
  5. 1 unit of small Paprika
  6. 60 grams of Orleanais
  7. 50 grams of Chinese roots
  8. 30 grams of Hieramint
  9. 30 grams of roasted sesame seeds
  10. 50 milliliters of sesame oil
  11. 50 milliliters of soy sauce
  12. 30 milliliters of rice vinegar
  13. 1 jet of vegetable oil
  14. 1 pinch of Salt and Pepper

How to make Asian Spaghetti:

  • Prepare all the ingredients to prepare these exotic Asian rice noodles.
  • In a bowl add the chicken cut into large pieces, add the sesame oil, soy sauce and rice vinegar. Mix and let the chicken marinate in the fridge for 30 minutes.
  • Heat a little vegetable oil in a wok and add the seasoned chicken. Sauté chicken until cooked and golden. If you do not have a wok-type pot, try to use a pan that is non-stick and with high edges.
  • Remove the chicken and in the same wok add sesame oil, onion, paprika cut into thin strips. Sauté vegetables with salt and pepper until golden. Add the finely chopped garlic and cook for another minute.
  • Add the orellanas cut into large pieces and sauté. The orellanas are a type of mushrooms, if you can’t find them you can replace them with the ones you like the most-
  • Separately, have plenty of salted water in a pot and when it is boiling, remove from the heat and add the rice noodles. To cook them, leave them to soak for approximately 3 minutes, remove and go through cold water to stop cooking.
  • When we have the rice spaghetti ready, we put them in the wok together with the chicken, the Chinese roots, the sesame seeds, a little sesame oil and soy sauce. Stir everything and rectify flavor with salt and pepper.
  • Serve the Asian spaghetti and cover with finely chopped mint. This rice noodle dish is a delight, its exotic flavor will surprise you and it is undoubtedly an excellent option to surprise on special dates such as Valentine’s Day.

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